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My First Blog...Where To Begin

Where2Begin's picture

Hi all,

I am new here and have been lurking for a few days. I wish I had known this site existed a long time ago! I’ve been through an array of complex and emotionally fatiguing experiences with marriage, divorce, relationships, children and stepchildren (only one). There is no way to touch on them all in one post, so I’ll start with my latest situation I find myself in. Even still I have to back up a ways to even give a flavor of how I got to where I am today, but here goes.

My boyfriend and I had lived together for a year. All was going well and pretty uneventful in our world. His daughter, 5 yo at the time, was over every other weekend. My son, 12 yo at the time and whose primary is his dad, was on a more flexible custody schedule but was often over on the same weekends…sometimes not. This was five years ago and it was at that time that my boyfriend’s ex-wife went off the deep end and made it her mission to destroy me and my family. To tell here what she did, I will have to save for another day. It is something so malicious, unthinkable and complicated that I can’t speak of it easily or without a good deal of time. In any case, besides its devastating impact on others in my family and her own family for that matter, it threw me personally into a state which I would describe, and my later therapist agreed, as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). In addition to this unspeakable malicious thing, she also convinced my boyfriend that she would move his daughter out of state if he allowed me to be around his daughter. She went so far to having this restriction added to their child custody orders. Needless to say it was devastating to me when BF signed it without even hiring an attorney. I know everyone will say that this is when I should have gotten out of the relationship, but I guess I was at a state in my life that I was done with people knocking me around and became determined not to let this woman tear me down further, or rattle me the way she does my boyfriend simply because of she thought she could.

Although he and I still continued to live together, he rented an apartment for when he had his daughter every other weekend and each Wednesday. I soon realized that he was pretending to his daughter that he and I were no longer in a relationship. He avoided talking to me on the phone when he had her, or if we did speak, it was obvious that he was trying to be inconspicuous at to who he was speaking to. I thought, was he really that afraid of his ex and her threats? Afraid of even her finding out from his daughter that he so much as spoke to me on the phone when he had possession? Anyway, during those weekends and days he had his daughter, he spent 100% of the time one on one with her.

Again long story short, after 2 ½ years of this arrangement, BF did eventually hire a lawyer and threaten to take his ex-wife to court to have the restriction removed. She eventually agreed to a temporary arrangement that allowed him to have his daughter in my presence one day out of of his EOW possession. Early on I would go to his apartment on ‘my day’, but soon I realized I was just an inconvenient visitor. His simple one bedroom apartment really contained none of my boyfriend’s personal effects and had minimal furniture, since most everything was at our apartment. It was more of a playhouse for his daughter’s toys. At least when I was over, his daughter dictated how the time was spent, playing dolls, games or watching cartoons so I am sure that was the case when I wasn’t there as well. With the food selection in the apartment usually being limited to Easy-Mac and cereal, on a couple of occasions when over I suggested we go out somewhere for lunch. My boyfriend made it apparent to both his daughter and me that all activities like this were solely up to his daughter. Polite small talk, as you do with a visitor, was about the only interaction my boyfriend offered me while I was over. It was like I was just an observer.

Eventually I convinced him that he should bring his daughter over to our apartment on a day instead. (She did not even know it was “our” apartment still, as he made it a point to refer to it as Where2Begin’s apartment) I really didn’t understand why he continued to cocoon his daughter away from the home and world he lived in when he otherwise didn’t have her. I believe they came over to “visit me” at “my apartment” only twice during the time that these temporary conditions dragged out another 1 1/2 years.

Because both my BF and I had been through difficult divorces previously (yet another story for another day), neither one of us came into our relationship in a rush to officially get married. To either of us, a relationship was not about that piece of paper. But we had been together over 5 years at this point, and we along with his lawyer agreed that marriage would be the most effective way to completely extinguish the legal restrictions that he had allowed his wife to put in place. Those who have had to deal with the court system on custody matters, know that once a legal agreement is in place (regardless of whether it was originally court ordered, mediated, mutually agreed or however) the court typically will not hear a case or change that agreement/order currently in place simply because one party changes their mind or decide they no longer like the agreement. There has to be a change in circumstance for the court to consider judgement for a modification of an existing agreement/order. The ex-wife’s lawyer advised her that she did not have a leg to stand if we took her to court to have the restrictions removed on me, the father’s now-wife, so she conceded without a court battle.

We began looking for a house. I was so excited that we were taking steps to have something, even just a little closer, to a normal relationship. Still I found something odd, or better said “somewhat unsettling” on the day we drove over to show SD, 9 yo by then, the house we were seriously considering. The conversation between him and his D was such that he was clearly leading his daughter to believe that the decision on which home we purchase was hers to make. Granted he worked to sell her on the one that we preferred, but I wonder to this day if we’d be living in the house that we are today if SD had been inclined to like a different one better.

We’ve been married for 1 ½ years now (together a total of 6 ½). SD continues to come every other weekend and each Wednesday. During those times, DH spends all of his time with his D, now 10 ½ yo, much the way he did when they had their playhouse apartment. She likes to be tucked away up in the gameroom or in her bedroom, so there the DH spends all his time. They play games, play with toys, watch tv, eat, etc. He is 100% devoted and focused on being her BFF, and personal butler from sun up to sundown the entire weekend he has her. If he so much as lingers to long for a moment of small talk with me while passing through the living room , you quickly hear “Dad, come up here” and he is immediately racing up the stairs. It has become very apparent that he truly feels he is betraying his daughter if he acknowledges me as more then an acquaintance in her presence….i truly can’t even substitute “dear friend” in the place of “acquaintance” here. Now I’ve seen him break away from her on just few occasions for 30 mins or so to mow the lawn or clean leaves from the pool, something like that, but only if she allows it. For me to ask him to do a favor or anything for me, much less with me, is destined to be rejected by his daughter thus by him as well.

You’ve probably figured out by now that at this point there is no relationship between SD and I, much less any type of “parenting”. We too are just acquaintances in the house.

Yes, I have spoken to H about all this numerous times and he tells me he only gets to see his daughter 10 days a month and he wants spend all the time he can with her. He says his dad was never around for him. I understand the effect of having a parent that was not there and the desire for non-custodial parent to be there for their child. Just like DH’s, my father too was away from home extended amounts of time while I was growing up and I too am a non-custodial parent. But is the relationships and interactions I describe common? Healthy? Acceptable? How would others handle it?

Sorry to be long winded and this is an abridged version!

Thanks all. I look forward to getting to you all.



Sia's picture

to the site! I too wish I had found it sooner! I couldn't believe what I was reading. This kid is going to get worse, the older she gets if he doesn't "introduce" her to the rest of the family. It also kind of creeps me out that a man (father or not) would spend so much "alone" time with his daughter. I'm not saying he is doing anything inappropriate, but it just gave me the creeps is all. Dh needs to understand that you ARE a part of his family and as such, you should be included in "their time". He seems to be isolating her, and that isn't healthy. Maybe you could suggest counseling? Maybe that will help. Good Luck and I hope you get as much out of this site as I have! Smile

Where2Begin's picture

I understand where you are saying...if I were on the other side being told this or reading this I too would mostly likely have that creepy sentiment. I am however completely confident that nothing inappropriate is going on.

We actually will be going to see a counselor for the first time next week. I say 'we'. I assume SD will not be a participant in the counseling at any point. gawd, the BM would wig out at the even mention of that idea. I can't imagine DH ever even entertaining the idea of doing anything that would upset the BM even though he has the legal right to seek medical treatment, legal counsel, etc for his D, including counseling.

I'll have to add a blog about how the counseling came to fruition.

Georgie Girl's picture

Wow, you really have a tough situation W2B. Is the bm remarried or in a relationship? Your situation is not healthy for anyone in your home. What does he think is going to happen as sd gets older?
Counseling would really probably help you guys figure this all out. After all, he can't just pretend that you are not married just so sd is happy.


Where2Begin's picture

I know that the BM has not remarried. As for as other relationships, I am sure she has dated other men, but I have only heard SD only make mention on occasion of "mom's friend". I don't know if she was even referring to the same friend each time she has used that phrase. DH never discusses anything about the BM with me. They function on amicable terms in transferring D between each other, in attending school functions and extracurricular activity, and other shared parenting things, but because of a past ordeal, he goes out of his way to avoid her and I ever coming into contact with each other. Actually I’ve only laid eyes on her one time in the past 5 years and that was in the courtroom 1 ½ years ago when the removal of the restrictions on me were finalized.

ColorMeGone2's picture

My opinion, short and sweet, is that he is doing all the wrong things for what he probably sees are all the right reasons. If he really wants to do what is best for her, then he will encourage her to be a part of a functional family, which includes you as her stepmother, rather than be half of a clearly dysfunctional father/daughter only relationship. I think he's doing her a grave disservice, not to mention what he is doing to YOU.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

goingcrazy's picture

It is good to have you on board here. You will soon find that you have found a place where dysfunction is normal. We all live it everyday. I really have to agree with Robinson on this one. It seems a lttle unusual to say the least. Maybe if we knew the other parts of your story it might make more sense. But Georgia is right when she says that he is doing all the wrong things. You are a part of thatgirl's life. Yet the way that your DH has done things for so long, it would be VERY difficult to change the "norm" on that child after all of this time. It is not healthy for anyone involved. You definitely need to seek a counselor that specializes in blended families. What happens if and when you and DH decide to have a child. Does SD gets to be a sister or will DH go and get an apartment on the side for you and the new child? I would get this straightened up as fast as I could before it gets worse. There is no way your marriage can survive such a situation and it is not fair to you. You stated you were at a point in your life where you were done letting people knock you around, yet that is exactly what DH and SD are doing. He has her for 10 days out of the month, so that means that he is only married to you menatlly 2/3 of the month? That, for sure, would not be okay by my standards. Stay strong and remember that if you want change, then fight for it. And during your battle, you have an online family here that will love and support you endlessly. Welcome home!
"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."

Catch22's picture

I agree with everyone as well. But I must add...we do 2 things in life, we either follow in our parents footsteps and parent the way we were parented. Or we had a bad parenting situation as kids, we decide that we will do a better job and no way would you bring your kids up the way you were brought Dh thinks he is doing.

I really don't see how DH thinks she is going to have normal relationships with her children or spouse if this suffocating all consumming style of parenting catches on. It is very unhealthy for her to learn the multitude of bad tips she is picking up here.

Firstly, doing what she says and letting her make (or think she can make) adult decisions at age 9 or 10. Thinking you have to spend every breathing moment being at your kids beck and call and showing her that she can leave out other members of a so called "family" to make a child's insane!! What is he thinking?? The moving to a flat would have been a big sign for me and hoo freakin roo to you MR!!! Goodbye!...but I am not judging you, I can tell you have been through a nest that we aren't even almost tapped into yet...Anyway, welcome, I hope you too will find your sanity here like many of us have...well except Goin crazy, she sold hers on Ebay before we had a chance to save her..LOL

But really we can't fix it, but we are here for each other with love and support, it's like therapy, without the psychosis...heheh.

By the way, you want to see how your SD will turn out? Read some blogs about Chava's SD, thats what she will be and the bigger they get the harder they are to control and then watch Daddy chase his butt all day trying to cater to the wicked princess she will no doubt become...yuk!!

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Colorado Girl's picture

(Hi Catch!)

I just wanted to add that this "princess" parenting will only lead your SD to holding an unbelievable standard of her relationship partners as she gets older. What man will ever be able to live up to her expectations? I always hated mama's boys for this very reason. We can't compete...and who wants to?

I, too, want to extend you a very warm welcome! Smile

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Where2Begin's picture

This exactly what I've told him. That when she gets older no man will be willing to treat her like she is being treated. They'll move on as soon as they realize what the expectations are or she'll be disappointed that no one she dates is as good as her dad and will be flying through men!

Where2Begin's picture

lol, I'll have to see if I can find that episode! Amazing what you can locate on the internet these days!

sarahbernheart's picture

I agree with all my steptalk pals, it is only going to get worse the older she gets and OMG watch out for the EVIL teenage years!!
I think it is important for his daughter to see (and this might take time) that he can love you and HER at the same time, and she can learn from her dad how a husband should treat a wife.
My FH shows me tons of affection when his kids are with us, he wants his daughter to see what a good husband should be like, and she and I share his love,
you better start setting boundries NOW>>
good luck and welcome

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

Where2Begin's picture

I just posted above that I was going to have to search for it on the net! I'm definitely going to check it out. Thanks for the link!!!

Most Evil's picture

That is seriously messed up! DH needs to get a grip! I wish you could tell us more history so we can understand better, how the BM was able to cut you out for so long. Because to me that is when the situation became out of control and therefore harder to recover from now. But I think you can recover, with a counselor's help.

big hugs to you - I am glad you found us! pull up a chair and stay awhile

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus

Where2Begin's picture

perhaps I can soon find some time to try to put into writing what happened. It is complicated and I believe does not make sense as I see it if not explained in lenghty completeness. I've tried to journalize the story before but found that calling all the events back up in detail caused triggers that kept me from being able to continue. but time has passed now. I should try again.

Most Evil's picture

I did not mean to pry or bring up anything painful really. I was just thinking, if she accused you of say, physical abuse, that would be a way of keeping you away from SD. It is very common for one parent to accuse the other or significant other of that during a custody battle. Ask my SD and her mom, and me and DH!

but please don't put anything down you are not comfortable with, you never need to explain to be heard. I was just trying to see if she had any proof of whatever, etc. I did not mean to be insensitive to your pain - really

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus

goingcrazy's picture

Couldn't save me, huh? Havent laughed that hard in awhile!

"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."

Catch22's picture

Wish you had told me it was up for Auction...I could have bought it and saved mine for ASP (After Step Parenting)..!!

Love ya Girl *hugs*

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*