Manipulative Biomom causing issues in our relationship
So not really sure what to say here but I am going crazy in the current state thst I’m in.
I live with my boyfriend of 1.5 years who has a 5 year old daughter. She is at our house every other weekend and one night per week we have her from after school until 7pm when we have to drop her off at her moms.
The biomom is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and has a slew of other undiagnosed mental health issues. She lies to medical professionals to be written off of work and has been manipulative to my boyfriend since the start of their relationship.
Our relationship started off hidden as the custody agreement wasn’t finalized and he had promised the ex that he wouldn’t see anyone until after they were finalized. This was because the biomoms family threatened to take my boyfriend to court and make him lose his house.
The biomom is not a good mother. She leaves my boyfriends daughter with her parents who are abusice and with other people a lot of times.
However she constantly messages my boyfriend things almost everyday. She goes against the contract agreement all the time. Whenever we have the daughter the biomom never calls her to say goodnight because she “forgets”.
The one event that happened recently that really bugged both me and my boyfriend was that the daughter was upset and missing her dad and the biomom made her call him. The biomom was on the call as well and the daughter was asking why the three of them couldn’t live all together again. They haven’t lived together since the daughter was 2
we were bothered by it because the biomom should be able to handle these conversations without dragging my boyfriend into it. He messaged her saying that it was inappropriate and he does not need to have group conversations with her and his daughter: he had no issue with talking to his daughter but not with her as well.
The biomom spun this around saying she would take the daughter to a psychiatrist and he won’t be bothered by them ever again
Am I crazy to believe that this is unacceptable behaviour?
Sorry for the long post just need to talk to people about it it’s really affecting my relationship with my boyfriend
You can't make him
You can't make him set boundaries. Unless and until he is sick and tired of the crazy, he is going to continue letting her push. The fact that he was willing to agree not to see anyone else due to threats that were likely baseless is not a good sign. They would make him lose his house? Really? Obviously the answer is to say good bye to his daughter and hang up the phone when he discovers that she is also on the line and when she says "you won't be bothered with us anymore" (drama queen much?) to say "OK crazy lady - I'll talk to you when you can act like an adult." But if he is still afraid of her and not confident in his ability to enforce court orders for custody then she will be able to sense it and will play with him like a cat plays with a mouse. It is up to you how patient you want to be.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Its really stressing me out that she contacts him so much. I don’t know why. Maybe because she is an awful human and I want to protect him? Maybe because she gave him his first daughter who he loves so dearly? Maybe because they were engaged?
I just feel like I’m second place. I wasn’t the first for anything. He already has his first house, his first engagement, his first child etc.
I’m afraid that despite our intense love for eachother that ill never be good enough.
No. You are right. It was a
No. You are right. It was a typical BM move to try to guilt daddy into explaining to the girl why they couldn’t be a happy family. He was right to tell BM to keep those conversations away for the kid. There will be a time to tell her but it damn sure isn’t at five years old via late night phone calls. It sounds as if the BM you deal with us the game playing type so the best way to “win” is to refuse to play. Don’t answer unexpected calls, don’t respond to text that aren’t about the skid, communicate through email/text, never agree to change pick up/drop off times or swap holidays aka always go with the custody order and understand that any favor you ask of her gives her slight power to cause problems in the future. It’s a two way street so you can’t get mad at BM for not following the court order if y’all are also asking for little changes here and there to accommodate y’all.
I try to encourage sticking
I try to encourage sticking to the agreement at all costs. Because I know she will use it all to her advantage if we ask for a favour. Even just a slight 15 min drop off time change.
The problem with this is if the daughter has plans one of those days with the biomom. We say yes to switch days so that the daughter gets to experience what she wants to. Aka a birthday party for a friend.
Im just not sure how to gain my confidence in my relationship. Not sure how to not be afraid of her messaging him.
I think that biomom got sd
I think that biomom got sd worked up and then used it as an opportunity to manipulate your boyfriend into feeling guilty for not being with her. This seems to be common... parent putting their own desires and ego above the emotional needs of their child.
unfortunately one lesson I have learned as a SM is that there is very little to nothing you can do besides be there for your DH when things get rough for him.
With the threats the Mom makes it can go one of 2 ways.... either she will find someone new herself and drop it, or will get over the jealousy and the relationship and move past this behaviour or she will intensify it and follow through on her threats.
Botrom line there is really nothing YOU or your boyfriend can do to control it... you are pretty much along for the ride. He can try Court, but that doesn’t always do much good either.
Focus on your relationship and providing a great life on that front for you and your boyfriend and the rest will fall where it does.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your reply.
I want to focus on our relationship because it is truly great and the relationship between my boyfriend myself and the daughter is great too.
Its really just the ex who has a problem. She is seeing someone who has two of his own children. We thought that once she had someone she would backoff.
I also find myself getting worried or jealous of her. I don’t know why because I know that my boyfriend and her would never reunite. She cheated on him and made him take care of their daughter while working 12 hour shifts as she went off on dates.
I just don’t know how to not shut down when she messages him or when she calls or is brought up.
Any advice on how to get rid of these feelings?
I Married a Man Who Bred With Crazy, so I'm Going to be Blunt.
When someone breeds with a person who is mentally ill, they can expect that their life is going to be hellish for at least the next eighteen years. There will be cascading issues resulting from the exe's behavior and the child will be affected by this. Additionally, there is a genetic component to bipolar dsoorder, meaning the child has a predisposition to it as well. For years to come, your boyfriend will likely be playing Wack a Mole trying to deal with his disordered ex and the damage she inflicts on their daughter.
You should think critically about whether you want to be collateral damage in someone else's life. If you decide to stay, buckle in for a looong haul. Educate yourself on mental illness and father's rights, and pick up a second or third job because your boyfriend will likely be in and out of court quite often. Get used to being financially strapped, coming last, and the feelings of dread, waiting for the other shoe to drop, anxiety, and depression. Peace and calm will be elusive, and forget about things getting better when your bf's daughter turns eighteen because she'll either be damaged by her mom, showing signs of her own mental illness, or both.
I wrote a blog post on mental illness in steplife several years ago, and you're welcome to check that out. Also read posts in the Mentally Unfit Bio Parents forum. Since this site tends to draw people from unhappy/dysfunctional step situations, it's not at all surprising that mental illness is a component in many members' lives. You're not married to this man, and his daughter is still young so the worst is yet to come. Please learn everything you can and take care of you.