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He's SUCH an enabler

What_did_i_just_sign_for's picture

Tonight i made a small lasagna and garlic toast for dinner. I made a small one because these assholes don't eat my food.


But 5 seconds after he came home from work he's making his son pasta because he didn't want the lasagna.


If they were my kids, I would have said lasagna is what'swfor dinner if you don't want that you can have cereal or a fucking sandwich.

Not making entirely different meal for them.

I'm pissed the fuck off. Usually I don't lay it on him but today I am. Because I'm fucking done with this bullshit.

Stop. Fucking. Appeasing!!!



LosingHerShit's picture

I completely agree except if they won't eat what's given they will go without dinner and not eat until breakfast the next morning. Sometimes it even gets put in front of them for breakfast. I don't tolerate kids not eating meals just because it's not what they want. No way. I've always been strict on food, but I feel your pain because sometimes dh will give skids a snack even though they refused to eat real food. Annoys me to no end.

tog redux's picture

They are his kids, let him do what he wants.  Just make sure you eat the entire small lasagna before he gets done cooking for them. Smile


lieutenant_dad's picture

Yes! Total agreement. Even if you end up with a food baby, OP, it would be totally worth it.

twoviewpoints's picture

Out of curiosity , if you had made the very same pasta , the very same way SO just did for his little stinker, would the kid of sat down, ate it and been happy? 

My guess is no. Not even if Dad really made it and kid just thought you had. 

Enjoy your lasagna. Sounds good and I love pasta in all forms. Bright side is perhaps there will be some left over to warm up for yourself so the rest of them , tomorrow, can choke on f-ing sandwiches.  You can take tomorrow off. 

Ispofacto's picture


Killjoy complained about every single meal we had.  It didn't matter what it was.  Because ODD.  DH is paying the price, because I'm a great cook and I don't cook or eat with them anymore, ever.  I cook for my adult kids and DH only for xmas, when Killjoy is with Voldemort.


hereiam's picture

That would piss me off, too. One, because, um, lasagna is pasta.

Aren't his kids old enough to fend for themselves for dinner if they don't like what you cook? Why is he cooking for his 17 year old son? Now is a great time to teach him some independence and let him cook for himself.

What_did_i_just_sign_for's picture

What i made is no different than what he makes for them. Cheese, sauce, beef.... WTF.

I made a small lasagna because i know they are biches that will snub anything i cook. But him making MORE FOOD after I cooked just pissed me off. 

tog redux's picture

I dunno. This wouldn't bother me. You made the small lasagna knowing they wouldn't eat, and if he wants to cook for his snowflakes, that's his problem.

susanm's picture

Call me crazy but isn't lasagna pasta???

CLove's picture

Sounds about right on. So common its weird when it doesnt happen.

But then I dont have kids of my own, perhaps they are all this way.

I have the opposit issue - overweight SD who eats all my food!

But, yeah that sucks. Because its meant as a slam, vs anything real. Just to push your buttons. So you must take away the buttons and do not buy food, prepare the food, or clean up. Thats for Disney Enabler Dadee.