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I've been talking to BF about this situation

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I've been talking to BF about this situation - and we're conflicted between solutions.

There have been suggestions to be kind to them, to spend their money, and to be affectionate in front of them to break the cold behaviour..And I'm very grateful for all the suggestions! I can't thank you all enough for helping me and supporting. Smiling

And we don't know what to do.

He says he absolutely will not let them, let alone ask them, to pay for our food or movies. (I'd do it. But whatever. )

We invited them out separated..

vikki0's picture

..And they accepted.
Basically we invited SD14 to go to the 3D demonstration in the mall-she's been saying she wants to see it. There's a free version that you can try for a minute and you can pay to watch a movie or something. So she's going to pay for the longer version. We offered to pay but she refused. She didn't want to go, but we insisted that she should see it if she likes 3D stuff, and since she is interested in seeing it she accepted. But insisted that she pays.
Well actually we asked her what she likes and then asked if she wants to go.

They don't want anything?

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So SDs were here this evening, and they went on with their properness.
When BF asked them what would they like for Christmas and New year, they said "There's nothing that we need at the moment, but thank you for the thought. If there's something you and Vikki would like from us, please let us know" , with a smile.
So when he asked do they want a gift card, money, or us to choose a gift, they said that they don't want a gift at all and that it would be unnecessary. He insisted,but they did not want anything.

They accepted to come over

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So since yesterday, when BM got SDs to go out with me and her, SDs have been responding to texts and BF arranged that they come visit us this evening. They were not rude,they were actually too polite for a conversation with their fatehr - too proper, like never before, also terribly cold and not interested at all. But I suppose it's better than ignoring.
I'm waiting to see how the visit turns out. :O

It went well

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So I've been out with BM and SDs, BM was sweet and SDs were just polite..Not warm or friendly, but civil. Well that's okay, I'm really glad and I wouldn't even dare to hope for more from them. It's been ok and I'm happy about it,especially since BM helped and I see not many of SMs here on Steptalk have a nice BM.
So I'm very happy tonight,because I think they might be getting better Smile

BM tries to help... :)

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So I wrote in my previous blog that my SDs don't like me, don't think I'm good enough, want to separate me from my BF, etc.
And so I talked to BM (who is polite and friendly) about it, and she decided to try to help. She arranged for us to go out together tomorrow since she has the afternoon free and the girls will be back from school. BM said that it took a lot of talking and convincing to get them to do it ,but she talked them into it. (She says she didn't force them, but talk them into doing it)
