DH ruined my BD's Bday for me!!!! I am effing pissed!!!!
If any of you have been following my blogs you'll know that moving my BD out of SD's room into the den was a huge fight. Then there was the bedroom make over that I wanted to for her for her bday. (She has spent the last year with her stuff smashed into the office with a huge computer desk. It's basically an office with a bed in it.) DH of course needs to fight this tooth and nail even though I did the same thing for his BD last year for her Bday because she was so upset (whatever) that my BD moved out of her room (try being a freaking nice human being).
So for the last two months everytime this subject is brought up DH gets upset and says that it's not fair that I'm doing the bedroom make over and that my BD is going to get more stuff then his did for her bday last year and how upset SD going to be. I mean everytime I brought up anything that I wanted to do it always came back to his BD. He's even gone as far as to tell me that her room looks like shit after I invested hours in painting.
So last night I made some CDs for my BD since I got her a new CD player and she has no CDs when DH makes a comment about how I never put that much thought into his BD's room. Let's just say that I was sick of it as this point. So I approached him a little bit after that and asked him if it was so important why didn't he do it for her. Of course at that point it's defense mode and he told me that he didn't have time to do stuff like that. I then pointed out all of the times that he has sat around playing his online poker game or doing his fantasy football thing when he could have made his kid a couple of CDs. What I really wanted to say to him was I AM NOT HER FREAKING PARENT. WHY CAN'T YOU DO IT. I DID EVERYTHING ELSE FOR HER. This of course doesn't sit well with him.
So to paraphrase everything that went down:
After I explained to him that I came home everyday after work at 6pm and taped and painted his BD's walls until 10pm, he told me that I really didn't do that much work and I hardly put any effort into it.
When I told him that not only did I order everything, and I mean I bought every gift from us, painted her room, ran around and bought all of the supplies, and wrapped her presents and that if he wanted her to have CDs he should have made them for her I was basically told again that I really didn't do much for her and that I was doing more for my BD.
When he told me that he was going to spend how ever much on his kids instead of having a limit I told him that I would be seperating our finances then. I was accused of only making $700 a month, that I had no clue how much stuff costs, that the money that I make goes to cover my half of everything, and if I was going to do that he would have a postnup written up and if I didn't sign it he would divorce me.
He put his middle finger in my face and said eff you.
He told me he wanted a seperation last night.
I am sick of this crap. Since when did his BD have anything to do with my BD's bday? Why is my job to make CDs for his BD. I did everything else for her bday. I am not this kids mom and quite frankly after the way she has treated me and my BD since DH and I have been together I really don't like her. She didn't earn the room that I made her or all of the hard work that I put into it. She gets two of everything. Two bdays two Christmases. She has two parents. But poor wittle SD. She has it so rough. She is deprived of everything. And here I am being the big bad Smom. Why am I not catering to her and making sure that she is a spoiled little brat. News flash DH, just because she is a child of divorce doesn't mean you get a wild card to spoil the shit out of her. My BD doesn't have the behavior issues that his has and her father has basically abandoned her. DIVORCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR SHITTY BEHAVIOR OR FOR NOT PARENTING AND BEING A DISNEY DAD.
You know one of the things that gets me is througout all of DH's complaining and bitching about poor little SD's horrible room he never once mentioned or cared about the fact that my BD was stuck in the office with a giant computer desk and all of her shit crammed together. I mean if you want to talk about a shity bedroom then that's the one that he should have been focused on. Nope it's poor wittle SD's room. The one where I painted two accent walls, got her princess canopy for her bed, she has a dresser, TV and DVD player, a night stand with her own stero, a set of LED light up flowers that I let her pick, and her toy box. She sounds pretty deprived huh?
I am tiered of the BS of making sacrafices. When I brought up the fact that I have to give up another Christmas this year because we need to get my kid on the same holiday schedule as his kids so that we can go and visit his family for the holidays he didn't even care. But heaven forbid that I ask that of him. He would attack me, fight with me, accuse me of hating his kids, call me names. I mean how absured would it be to ask someone to do that type of thing. To make that kind of sacrafice.
So instead of waiting until Wednesday, which is my BD's actual Bday, to show her the room I showed it to her last night. I figured it was the right thing to do since DH was saying that he was kicking us out. I thought at least she would give a little bit of time to sleep in her new room. The plus side of this is I won't have to hear SD whine and cry about how unfair everything is and how her room looks like crap because I'll still be at work. Teh down side is that it's not her bday and I was really hoping to skype with DH's mother so she could see how excited my BD was about it and now she'll only have three presents to open on her actual bday. I told DH that after putting up with his shit for the last couple of months with his whining and bitching about this that if I hear a word from SD I would freaking lose it.
Of course today DH has been all apologetic and doesn't know why he acted that way. I could use a little bit of support here. I am fed the eff up with this crap.
- Unhappy's blog
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^^^^^^^^^^I agree with the
^^^^^^^^^^I agree with the both of them above
SD is 7 years old and DH has
SD is 7 years old and DH has 50% custody so we see her every other week.
So call his bluff. Tell him
So call his bluff. Tell him you want that separation and one of the two of you is moving the fuck out.
He does it because it holds power over you. Take that away from him.
It's his house and he makes
It's his house and he makes way more money then I do. He made sure to point that out last night as well.
Then move out into a place
Then move out into a place you can afford, even if it's renting a room somewhere.
You cannot legally kick him out... you can file false charges for his removal, but that would be wrong.
Your DD isn't his, right? Do you get CS? Do you really only bring that $700 into the house like DH claimed? I have a real problem with women who are financially dependent on a man for this exact reason.
He wants to spend $$ on his kid. You want to spend $$ on yours. Well, if you don't make enough to support yourself and DD, then HE is picking up the slack. THEN, the fights begin.
How did you support yourself and DD before "Prince Charming" came along?
I got to a point in my life where it didn't matter where the money came from; I owed it to myself to be someone I could be proud of. Tossed the high (and only) earner out and have never regretted it. Even for a day.
I make more then $700 a
I make more then $700 a month. That was just his way of being an ass to me. I was able to support my BD and I just fine before DH came along. I kept myself on a budget but other then that we were never in need of anything.
I do get CS every month which I have deposited into a seperate account.
I'm just sick of it. I've never owned a home and DH knows that so he loves to throw out those smart ass comments of, "Do you know what it's like to own your own home? Or, You'll never own your own home." Or the, "You barely contribute anything financially to the household." Which is complete BS.
I have been on my own since I was 15 raising my 8 year old little sister. I learned long ago to never depend on anyone for anything.
Good. Then call his bluff.
Good. Then call his bluff. Show him you don't NEED him to support you. I'd imagine his tune will change some.
Besides, you deserve better than this.
What a mean spirited nasty
What a mean spirited nasty peice of human being. My Daughter. My Daughter... give me a break. Take him up on his offer and grab some separation papers yourself. He cannot continue to hold your marriage at ransom because he feels like his daughter is missing out of a fantabulous exciting life because her SM isn't picking up his slack.
Tell him to move out. And then tell your MIL why.
My Daughter. My Daughter...
My Daughter. My Daughter... give me a break
I couldn't agree more with you on this one. What does anything have to do with his BD. I just don't get it. If he doesn't like her room then do something about it. Don't attack me because I'm doing something nice for my BD. and it's not my job to listen to him complain about it and then pick up the slack and do something about it. It's his job. I think he's way out of line here not only with how he handled the situation, how he treated me, but also his expectations as to my role towards his kids. I am not there mother. They are not my kids. This will never change. They have two parents who are both more than capable then taking care of their kids.
So it's his house he makes
So it's his house he makes more big deal isn't that what a good attorney and alimony is gor. Knock him down a peg tell him he doesn't like it get his kid and leave but you sure as hell won't abandon your half of all marital assets including half of all items you purchased for his precious spoiled brat.
What about divorcing him and
What about divorcing him and asking for alimony? I have been married for 12 and a half years with my second husband. He has 3 kids. Well not kids anymore. They are 23,24 and 25. I have two that are 19 and 26. We got together when they were in their teens. You guessed it, it was heaven. NOT! We have been through all kinds of shit. What has really gotten me is that the 24 yr old is so damn lazy. He will get a job and either get fired or quit within a month. He has a 9 month old that he needs to support also. the problem that pisses me off is that when he gets fired or quits or the baby mama throws him out he wants to come home. and he gets thrown out a lot. Last week I told my husband that this was it. I'm done. no more. He didn't think I was serious. I was figuring up what i would need to make it on my own. He saw me do it. that got him scared. stepson found somewhere else to go. I would ask for enough to get by and tell him to kiss it.
We've only been married for
We've only been married for almost four months. I would get nothing which he pointed out as well last night. He said that we needed to be married for atleast 5 years before I could fight him for stuff. I really don't care though. I told him it was never about money. If I left him I would just take my sh!t and be gone. I have put up with so much drama from him, his kids, and his ex it's really not worth fighting for anything at this point. I would just be happy to be rid of that mess.
"We've only been married for
"We've only been married for almost four months."
Then get it annulled. Much cleaner.
"I would get nothing which he pointed out as well last night."
So the fuck what? Women don't deserve alimony, imo. I was a sahm for 12 years and he made 6 figures. I didn't even ASK for alimony. You can take care of you and yours without a PENNY from him!
I understand that I can do
I understand that I can do that. I don't want his money. I told him that last night. It was never about the money. But he seems to think that I do for some reason. Or maybe he thinks that I would stick around because of it. I have no clue and I really don't care. If he thinks that I think that way then he apparenlty doesn't know me at all.
If anything it would just be a fight to get my stuff out of the house. Every gift one of his family members has given me he thinks should stay with him. His idea is that if I leave him I leave with what I came into the relationship with including gifts that he got for me. Which is great because I sold all of my stuff when I moved in. So basically I walk with nothing and he keeps everything.
Oh and he kept the receipts of all of the gifts that both him and his family got for me so if I try and take any of my stuff he can show proof that it's his. Yay, he's threatened that one on me before too.
Gifts transfer
:jawdrop: :jawdrop:
Gifts transfer ownership.
He's an ass.
One would think that was
One would think that was true. But if I were to take that stuff and he called the police and claimed I was stealing it and had the proof of receipt who do you think they would believe. He had his mother (over the phone) tell me one time, "that the gifts she got me for my bday was really bought for the house so if I left him they should stay with DH. I mean really one of the gifts alone costs $300 dollars. Don't you thing that's a bit extravagant for a bday present?"
DH later told me that he made her say that to me after I told him that I would never accept a gift from her again. That was his way of trying to fix what she had said to me so that I wasn't mad at his mom anymore.
Honestly, it sounds like SD
Honestly, it sounds like SD is a whiny bitch because YOUR HUSBAND is a whiny bitch.
She sounds just like her dad.
I don't know what's wrong with him, but I am with the others. Go see a lawyer and kick his ass out.
You don't have to put up with this garbage. And it is garbage. There is no reason for him to respond to ANY of the things you have described with anything but gratefulness.
He should be THRILLED that you put so much time into his daughter's birthday and bedroom. He should be THRILLED that you are an active parent to your daughter and his daughter. He should be THRILLED that until now you have not made him step up and be more of a parent to BOTH the kids.
And instead he is bitching at you and actively turning his daughter into some sort of victim so that he can justify being pissed off and spoiling her.
Also . . . I have never in my life heard of a postnup. It sounds like a bunch of nonsense, but either way . . . don't sign anything. You cannot trust a guy who is dead set on being a victim and who will blow up on you for daring to do something nice for your own daughter.
One would think that he would
One would think that he would be thrilled that I came home everyday after work for a week and worked on SD's room so that it would be ready when she showed up on Saturday. But apprently it wasn't enough. And according to him it shouldn't have taken me that long to paint the walls. And that's not forget about the fact that he' still upset that I painted over the huge mural in her room that he was never going to finish so that I could make her room look nice. He told me the night before last that the reason why he never finished it was because I'm always asking him to do sh!t which is complete bullshit. We didn;t meet until 6 months after his divorce. He has his kids every other week. He started the mural either just before ot just after SD was born. So if you divide the six months in half. He would have of had three months of free non kid time to finish the mural before he met me.
Oh, I forgot. Everything is always my fault. He'll figure out a way to spin this and make this fight my fault just just like he always does. It'll be the old, "if you just didn't push so hard then I wouldn't react that way. You just push and push and push." So in essence, his reaction is caused by me and bam. There you have it. He doesn't need to feel bad about anything because if I had just shut my effing mouth he would have never reacted that way and said the things that he said.
That's a good question
That's a good question NoDoormat. I would probably threaten her DH with his life and tell my BD to leave. That's a question I need to ask DH about his BD.
This is a narcissistic dick,
This is a narcissistic dick, threatening and abusive language. He is fine with you and your BD living in the gutter, so long as his princess ALWAYS has it better than your daughter so his princess knows she is #1 and you better know it too.
How about if Princess's room is soooo bad, you give it to BD and the darling mistreated Princess can take the office she wants so bad.
I despise your stepdaughter and your husband just from reading the blogs. He's lucky you didn't break that middle finger off his fucking hand when he shoved it in your face.
I'm so sorry this sucks so bad and he turned out to be such a self-centered greedy prick. I think you and your BD would be so much happier in a nice little apartment, so what if you couldn't afford what he can afford, your BD would be free of the abuse from the evil stepsister and stepfather.
He is bullying and aggressive over "MY daughter", it's only going to get worse as Princess gets older and you and your daughter have to bow and grovel more and more and ensure that Princess ALWAYS has something better than BD OR ELSE - he'll threaten and berate you or I wouldn't be shocked if he escalated to hitting, not saying he would, but if he is F-you with the middle finger because you're doing the SAME for your daughter that his already got, then he is certainly on that road.
So sorry
{{{{{Hugs}}}}} Four Months &
Four Months & You are this unhappy? You need to think about this.
Just move out. Take your
Just move out. Take your clothes and go. Go to a shelter for a few weeks and file for divorce. See, then YOU win. YOU call the shots. HE thinks it is all about money and it isn't. Sure you are back to where you startyed or even worse off. But find a new place to live, even a 1 bedroom for you and your daughter. Start taking your stuff out of the house and hiding it at a friends place esp your daughters pre-relationship stuff.
There are many people out there who can help you. And he 'loses' because this has NOTHING to do with money. This is what he tells everyone but to walk away from his controlling nasty personality is something he cannot change. You left HIM and not his money or house or income or gifts out the Kazoo. Although I would have it entered into court record that you will not be claiming any household items as Mr Unhappy has indicated on more than one ocassion he has reciepts for said items and would use them to prove you had stolen them or were gifts from his family and therefore you were not entitled to any or all of them. So as you are not prepared to allow this to drag out any further you relinquish any claim to any household items accquired jointly while you were living together as partners and married.
He cannot win your logic if you think like this. At no time can he claim that you are milking him or married him for his money. And THAT is what he would want to do. No, it is what he expects you to do.