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Dh's stupid logic about why I should treat ss as my own- hilarious!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

First let me start by saying that dh is constanty upset at me because I don't treat ss 'as my own'. Sorry, but when a kid doesn't want anything to do with my family, didn't visit his own dad for 3's kinda hard to treat him as my own. Maybe if I didn't have my own bios or ss didn't have a mom or ss always visited...maybe. Anyway, dh always says dice I married him I should treat ss like he was mine. Also, s/n...sil is engaged to a man with twin preteen girls. They are really good with our kids and I kinda like them- because thy aren't mine! However, those girls are wild! I can see sil having problems with them now and way more in the future. Dh can't stand his future step-nieces.

So, we were having a conversation the other day about them. I tell him that they will soon be his 'nieces' , not step-nieces and that he should love them like they were his 'real' nieces.
Dh- well you don't treat ss like he's yours
Me- exactly. You want me to treat him like he's mine but you aren't willing to treat the girls like they are your nieces/family.
Dh- that's because I have no blood line with them. And you have a bloodlines with ss.
Me- no I don't.
Dh- I have a blood line with ss, when you married me our blood line combined when we had kids, so therefore you have a blood line with ss, too. Those girls are not my blood.
Me- (trying not to crack up laughing!!!) first of all thy is retarded. I have no blood line wih ss. Secondly, based on your logic, your sister and girls dad will 'combine' bloodlines when they gt married or have kids and since you & your sister DO have a bloodline, then those girls WILL have a bloodline to you!

He changed the subject immediately and I tried hard to hold in my laughter! His 'logic' makes no sense, but I he really believes that then at least now I understand him a little more. Now that his sister is entering the land of steps, dh is getting very double-standard in his thinking. I'm hoping one day he'll understand my view when his sis starts complaining about he same things I do!


Willow2010's picture

- I have a blood line with ss, when you married me our blood line combined when we had kids, so therefore you have a blood line with ss, too
No way I could have kept a straight face on this one!!! Bwahhahahaha!

schooltch6's picture

Where do they come up with this stuff..go have a glass of wine honey you deserve it.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I'm noticing how much more he is becoming this way when we compare sil and her skids to me and ss.

snoopyinoz's picture

um your "bloodlines combined" HAHAHA what, did you also get his DNA ala Marge Simpson when she married Homer and "took on" the Simpson DNA

herewegoagain's picture

DH used to give me some stupid similar line...until I asked him if he loved my niece (whom he adores) as much as he loved his loser daughter...well, duh, of course not...even though my niece is super sweet, much nicer to DH than his daughter has ever been, he still loves his daughter more even though she's a hoochie and a loser...cause well, it's his which I replied...good, well, she's NOT my blood and my niece IS my blood and she's nicer to me than your loser daughter...END OF CONVERSATION.