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Been a long time since I've been on here, but I'm back!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

It's been a bit crazy! My fil passed away the beginning of this month and life has been turned upside down since. I've missed this site and reading everyone's blogs. I hope you all have been doing good! But I'm back again to vent. Next weekend my looooong summer with ss starts, so expect me on here more! Anyway, this weekend we had ss13 for FD weekend. I don't know what it is, but when ss is around, dd6 and ds4 fight with each other A LOT more. All last week they played well together and we were all enjoying our summer. This weekend they fought non-stop. And ss isn't instigating anything that I can see. But now that we are on our way to drop off ss at home, the bios are already calmer and not fighting anymore. ??? Anyone else experience this with their bios??? This hasn't been the only weekend like thia either. It happens almost every weekend ss visits. Advice? I am dreading next month!

Dh also started talking about a family vacation again. The deal was, I agrees we could do a trip with ss ONLY IF dh would take us (bios, no ss) on a trip some other time. The trip without ss didn't have to be as long or as big of a deal- just a weekend trip. My reason is because a vacation with ss is far from a vacation. Even dh is dreading it. However, trips with the bios can be fun, even though it is difficult with a baby. So I figure if I have to endure a trip with ss constantly fighting with our bios then I deserve a vacation without ss. As my luck would have it there is no time available for us to do a trip without dh this summer. As far as during the school year, we have ss all the extended holidays this year. Yea. So we're arguing about this dumb trip.

Anyway, just wanting to say I'm back and to expect many posts this summer!


caregiver1127's picture

Welcome Back!! My DD5 misses and loves her brother SS17 and for the first couple of days she is in heaven but about the 3rd or 4th day she is ready for him to go back to his mother - in fact last year she said to me after he left that she did not know why but she was glad he was gone - she use to cry when she had to leave him but now I think she feels my stress level rises and somehow senses that I am not happy and she reflects it - he also can be a pain in the ass to her so the 2 weeks we have him in the Summer is enough!!