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My sd needs to learn respect!...which both her parents need a lesson too!

tryingtomakeit's picture

Ok so I was suppose to pick my sd up at her moms on Friday. I know my husband should be the one doing it, but I do it because he does work late, but before I committed to doing this I told him he had to have all the kinks worked out before I left to go get her.

Well, on Thursday everything was set(so they ssaid). I was suppose to go get her Friday after school.

Well, on Friday I leave a bit early and decided I want to go shopping before I go pick her up. I had this gut feeling something was going to happen so I took my time shopping.

My husband tries calling the sd after she gets out of school and she will not answer her phone. So, he calls me and tells me keep shopping and dont head that way until he hears from her.

Well an hour goes by and still nothing. So he calls the mother aka ex. She tell him that she is on a school trip and will not be in till 10:30 that night.

AHHHHHHHHHH-I want to freaking scream. She knew damn well she had a field trip. I wonder how she gets in from the rain at times.Thank freaking goodness I did not drive all way there and then found that crap out!

She really needs to grow the freak up! Her parents, and yes I blame it on my husband, need to stop waiting on her hand and foot. SHe has got to be the most immature girl I know. I worry about her. SPOILED BRAT!


Delilah's picture

Yeah I would refuse to do pick ups from now on and would tell sd (not sure how old she is, however if she is old enough to let you know about prior engagements then she needs to let you guys know before hand) the next time you see her how annoyed you are with her (then disengage from doing nice things for her).