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Follow up to the conversation at the soccer game.....BM decided to settle after 9 months of a custody battle

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

that she started! I just don't get it. BM started this crap in my opinion, because DH and I got married. When we were dating she wasn't really around and then when we got engaged decided she needed to spend time with the boys. I was hoping that with me in the picture she would finally step up as a Mom. BM has done some real stupid stuff since we got engaged. Then 2 months after we got married she filed for custody and continued to do stupid stuff with the kids. Like drop of SS11 (10 at the time) at Dh with no announcement then use the excuse that she cleared it with a 13 year old. The GAL agreed with her thinking that DH didn't want to spend time with SS11. BM sees DH as a baby sitter for her nights out at the bar during the middle of the week.

BM thought she had 2 of the 3 kids living with her. Well, we all had a meeting a few days ago and discussed a settlement. DH asked her in front of the kids that she will do what the kids want and she readilty agreed. SS14 wants 50/50, SS13 wants to live with DH and SS11 as well. BM was dumbfounded and immediately started in on SS11 on how he doesn't understand the decision and did everything she could to change his mind. DH knew she wouldn't listen to him so SS14 stepped in and told BM to leave him alone and that this needed to be over. BM even asked if there is still no CS due to them making the same money and to split the kids expenses 50/50. She didn't do that at the time of their divorce. DH paid 100% for everything on the 2 kids he had and she only had 100% on 1. She made and still makes more than DH but never has any money.

SS14 changed his mind about living with her because this past 9 months been promising him a new house and can't deliver. She filed for bankruptcy last summer. Even though she makes $30 an hour she still has issues paying her living expenses. I couldn't imagine her having CS because none of the money would even remotely be spent on the kids. She would be getting $800 a month and then telling the kids that their father wasn't paying anything and that's why they couldn't play sports or even have lunch money. Yes, she has sent SS11 to school with no lunch money usually at least 5 times a month.

We will have to see if she is serious about settling. She doesn't want to use her attorney. She must have run out of money or her own Mom must of pulled the plug on the money. DH called his attorney and to quote him "what a dumb bitch" DH is going to email him about what he wants on the shared parenting agreement and the attorney is going to contact her attorney. I guess she will have to pay for that transaction anyway. Here is the thing....she wants to deal and DH is ready for trial...she doesn't agree then DH is going to trial.

SS11 told DH that BM was crying all night and wouldn't talk to him at all after "the meeting". He got tired of her badgering him about living with her after she found out that he wanted to live with DH. He did something that he learned from her he lied to her. He told her to keep her bothering him told her that he wanted to live with her. BM knew when she lost him she is looking at CS. She wasn't able to use her $28k W9 for last year the court is looking at $48k.

She shot herself in the foot with this court battle and ended spending less time with her kids. DH offered before all this started when he was having issues with SS14 last summer that they switch kids. BM wouldn't have anything to do with it because she got greedy and wanted CS.

Any advice on what to have in the shared parenting than the normal ordinary stuff?


Most Evil's picture

I don't have any advice as we haven't been to court on this ourselves. But it does sound like BM shot herself in the foot and will regret it. I am glad you get the kids though!!

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