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Does anyone know (in Ohio) where you go to voice a complaint

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

About how long your CS case is taking? I started a "simple" case last April my case was to be "done" last week. My attorney is a good one but each month that goes by is costing $500 a month and for what?? There is nothing more to discuss.

Also my husband's case we have had so many delays its not funny. We had a shared parenting proposed that BM and DH had talked about to settle and she changed her mind so 1k or more down the drain.

His court date is next month and just can't wait to see what "excuse" that its going to be. The delays are hurting the kids. My case every month that goes by no CS and paying more to an attorney than I would actually get in CS and my DH case more time for BM to PAS the kids. She has already been badgering the middle child to live with her and telling him DH is making her pay CS and that its unfair. The oldest even told me that she is very upset about going to court. Hello?? The bioytch filed for custody and guessed maybe DH would cave. I told SS14 that she started the process and should not be afraid of going to court or she wouldn't have.

I hope BM is very afraid and not acting! (I saw BM's baby book for SS14 she said for her occupation she was a singer and actress. Ha!) BM case is based on how DH is unfit but 2 of the kids want to live with him. She has no proof and knows it. She has done some stupid stuff since she filed......etc not talking SS11 to the doctor for 3 months for his meds for ADHD and used the excuse that she "saved" his pills during Xmas break. Hmm 17 days of pills over 2 months...I am not good in math but the math numbers don't add up. The constant begging the kids to live with her and making them feel guilty for wanting to live with their Dad.

I told DH wait it out the closer to the court date the more stupid and freaked she will become. But what will be disappointing is going to court (on my anniversary) just to have it delayed for another month or two. I am hopeful that the trial date will be set. Then I am hoping that when she has to pay over $800 in support for all 3 BM will crawl into her hole and die!


livinthedream's picture

What government office wants to hear complaints? Do they really care? Of course, your elected political officials are where you can register all your complaints. Please note*** the more you get enmeshed in these matters the more chaotic life becomes.