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I can't even right now!

TrailJunkie's picture

So we are currently moving right now. My sd12 has been so helpful. Packing her room unpacking boxes and just general moving help. He brother my ss10 on the other hand is a royal pain in my ass. He sat on his floor for 35mins playing with a pile of garbage (broken toys) my husband and my self made multiple attempts to motivate him. Look everyone hates moving but we as a family need to work together. All he has to do is pack his room. I go in there and help then leave and bam he's back to sweet eff all. Then he starts to get all whiny. I can't even right now. I didn't even get a thank you for buying all the paint for his new room and painting it! His dad had a chat with him but come on kid your 10 you should know how to say thank you. I can't even right now. Anyone want to chime in?


TrailJunkie's picture

That's what we told him!. We have to pack the entire house and unpack it all, your in charge of your room. If we pack it we are throwing stuff away.

Acratopotes's picture

Tell him once, you need to have your room packed by this or that date.... we are leaving on this date... then simply do what you have to do, comes moving day and his room is not packed, you simply take the furniture and only move that...

the rest is trashed, cause he did not want it, he did not pack it......

I would be totally evil and move without him, I will tell him the new people will kick you out you better start claiming a tree you will be living under }:) (Yes I did this with my own kid and he packed within 2 hours cause he knew I would do it)

oneoffour's picture

10 yr old boys are not 12 yr old girls. More like 6 yr old girls. He will not pack up anything because he thinks delaying this will make it somehow not happen.

TrailJunkie's picture

See I thought that too. But he's excited to get into the new house. He just wants someone to do it for him. He's lazy like his mother. Always wants someone else to do everything for them.

TrailJunkie's picture

No we are not, we consistently purge yearly. We actually doesn't have that much stuff and the best part is he has these ikea bins that go into this shelf thing all he had to do was put his stuff in that. No organizing necessary.

AshMar654's picture

Boys get distracted easily and do not care about things like girls do. They are better at unpacking I think cause they want all their stuff to be accessible. I do think he is young to be packing all by himself. he will just toss in boxes and it will not be organized or neat. Moving and packing suck I just did it. I had my mom come help me a lot because there was so much to do and it was really hard for me to get it all done.

Plus if you help him you can help weed out stuff he does not want or play with anymore. Just my opinion. Boys are immature.

secret's picture

DROVE ME NUTS whenever I went anywhere with ex-h, ex-bf, and when DH moved in....

the FIRST thing they do is unpack the electronics - then they leave EVERYTHING else packed and take the time to do a complete setup.

Without fail. Every single time.

I'll pack and unpack systematically, based on what I need and when I will need it... when I moved into this home in 2011, I had my last house packed over a weekend, and then had it completely unpacked within 48 hours of getting the keys.

AshMar654's picture

I wish I was that efficient. We still have so many boxes packed. There is good reason we are still working on the house. Mostly trim and putting up some closet doors. I am organized when I pack all the stuff still in boxes is stuff that i do not need. SO's and SS's stuff is just all chaos and mess. SS's g-mom packed alot of his stuff and she is no where near organized. Plus I have a ton of crap we do not need.

He unpacked most of his stuff on his own. I helped with clothes a little so that they were organized. So far it has pretty much stayed that way. He puts his clothes away and puts them in the spots they are suppose to go.

SO had electronics unpacked first. LOL

secret's picture

See?? Electronics FIRST!

Tv`s, stereo`s, game systems, computers etc... all seem to take precedence over dishes, towels, toiletries and clothes.... ugh.