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Need advice

Tommyhawk222's picture

I'm a 51 year old widowed man of 7 years and my fiance is a 51 year old divorced for 6 years. We've been together for four years and living together for almost 2 1/2 years. I have two daughters 17 and 13. She has two daughters 13 and 10. I have mine full time and hers go back and forth. I bought a new home for all of us so there wouldn't be a yours or mine but an ours. They all have their own rooms at both houses.

We've postponed our wedding twice because of two ongoing issues and are now talking of separating or at least living in separate homes.

Issue #1 - Our kids - My oldest don't care for my fiance. She is polite, saying hello and good bye but not much else. They both have expressed how much they miss their mom. (We have had major bereavement wife died from cancer) But my oldest carries misplaced resentment towards her. I've talked to her, have had her in additional counseling but she still harbors this resentment. She says my fiance is fake towards her and doesn't think she likes he so shes not going to like her back. My youngest doesn't care for her oldest and doesn't have much to do with her. They are completely different, same age and same school. Mine is outgoing, into sports and has tons of friends. Hers is introverted, socially awkward, prefers acting in plays, has very few friends but has a loving heart. Again have had several conversations of expected behavior of being polite and friendly. My fiance is not happy with our home life and says my kids are difficult to be around. Her kids have asked me to leave their room when I'm talking to them, saying "you can go now". They sometimes run to their mother when they see me coming in to sit down with her to talk or to watch a movie, not letting me sit with her. Note...there are times when everyone is getting along, playing, talking and friendly but often they live as roommates, everyone coming and going in different directions. There are also times when none of them talk. It's a cycle happening every few months. MY fiance has taken trips with just her girls but when I tried to do that with mine, she wonders why we all aren't going as a family. We do take "family" vacations together. I feel its a double standard. My fiance is wanting a relationship with them but her words of expression she uses with me is wearing. I'm aware that the kids did not ask for this and that we created the situation we are in. This is very difficult.

Issue #2 - Our love life - Because and when my fiance is not happy with our home life our love life is in the dumps. We maybe make love twice per month on average, quick and over with most times. It's been this way off and on for two years. Sometimes we go for several weeks without intimacy or affection from her. I try hard during these times to be consistent, attentive and loving but sometimes fail and complain. Occasionally we have sex a two or three times a week for a few weeks then its back to nothing for an extended period of time. Again it's a cycle that happens every few months. We've talked many times about this and she admits our lovemaking is low but she says cant feel sexual when the house is like this. She has told me that sometimes making love is not not important to her and why can't I be happy with the quality and not focus on the quantity. I told her I need both. We had a great and frequent love life until about 6 months after we moved in. Because she has expectations that my kids would love her and that we are not blending well, she says she cant be sexual with me until that is fixed. Note - she is admits that she is starting to have menopause symptoms and is on depression meds...both I'm aware that these both zap sex drive. I've been patient but have growing resentment. She blames me for not being more active in fostering a relationship with hers and mine. I told her that we need to stay focused on our relationship or all this other stuff won't matter if we fall apart. She again told me it's more important for her that the kids and her relationship is going well first. Two different beliefs. It may be a deal breaker.

We both do love and care for each other but this is getting harder. I'm starting to think that love is not enough although I enjoy her friendship and companionship, I miss our love life. My needs are not being met with affection and a healthy love life. Her need for a happy blended family are not being met. She has admitted that she knows my needs are not being met and I should just take care of that myself and that I act like we never have sex. I've been working on the walls that my girls have put up. Their wall surrounds me and they don't like letting others in unless they are true family. All the kids have good hearts but are struggling in different ways which in turn has my fiance and I struggling. We knew this wouldn't be easy, especially with teenage girl hormones. But it's starting to seem like too much work. Her and I been to two different family counselors and they both told her that my girls have been through a tremendous trauma and to be loving, patient and not to take things personally. They've given great suggestions but when it comes time to implementing the suggestions, she says we're not on the page yet and it doesn't happen. I'm starting to wonder if its the meds, menopause, both or just her. She told me her first marriage fell apart because she didn't focus very much on him but instead gave everything to the kids.

My extended family knows a little bit about the blending struggles but not of the other. They have embraced her and her kids, even my late wife's family has welcomed them with open arms. She has no immediate family in the area so that's not an issue. I have hope this can right its course but if this falls apart I've decided not to bring any other woman into their life until they are both out of high school, four more years.


nengooseus's picture

There's a lot here...

*Your older daughter is unreasonably resentful of this woman, who she finds fake.
*Your younger daughter doesn't like her daughter because she isn't cool enough.
*"Their wall surrounds me and they don't like letting others in unless they are true family."
*You're not having enough sex because your lady isn't happy because of the issues in the house.
*You're feeling like this is too much work, so you're thinking of dumping your lady and not seeing anyone until your kids are out of the house.

You're allowing your kids to run your life and this house. It's not surprising to me that your lady isn't having sex with you. I wouldn't want to, either, if I felt that a 17 year old and a 13 year old mattered more than I do in my home and relationship. Her kids don't sound like peaches, either, but I will say that my kid would be a total butthead if I were as miserable as it sounds like this woman is, and telling you "you can go now," would be the least of it.

You're not ready to be married to anyone other than your children.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Hugs to you. Welcome. You are amongst friends. I recommend this essay I posted the link to just about everyone struggling with the their relationship.

I really suggest you read and then do some deep soul searching. Ask yourself those questions he brings up. Really look close inside yourself and her before you get married. Can these relationship problems be fixed? You are trying, that's for sure, with the counseling and the menopause medication but is it going to work ?

Also I think you should read Dr. Wednesday Martin's book called Step Monster.

nengooseus's picture

I don't see her withholding sex as a punishment. I see it as a situation where she is miserable and therefore has no interest in having sex. Or at least not with OP. Other than the mention of a double standard abut vacation (which I feel like is a bit of a red herring), I don't see a darned thing that this woman has done "wrong." And the worst thing her kids have done is said "You can go now."

I agree, though, that ain't nobody happy in this house. It sounds awful.

Honestly, it sounds a little like OP wants internet strangers to validate his decision to bail on this relationship.

Disneyfan's picture

If her kids have the balls to tell him "you can go now", I'm sure they have done other stuff as well.

Unless they are paying rent in their own apartments, they don't get to tell him or his wife when it's time to leave a room in their house.

Disneyfan's picture


Cover1W's picture

Both SDs have told DH, "You can go now."
When he's talking with them and trying to either discipline or give direction. SD12 once, I think, even tried slamming the door in his face WHILE saying that. It didn't go so well for them. So they've given up saying that.

SD10 has moved on to saying, "I'm done talking to you" or "Why are you asking me?" when DH is trying to talk with them. UTTERLY DISRESPECTFUL and I hate hearing it.
Apparently SD10 told him something like the above this weekend and he was upset.
I'm like, don't get upset, it's not you it's HER attitude that needs to be corrected and instead of shrugging and walking away PARENT THAT OUT OF HER.
There's a reason they don't say that to me.

ANYWAY - I'm seeing that all the girls are "talked to" right? But what are the ramifications? Are there consequences? Does the wife parent her kids and do you parent yours? If both parents throw up their hands and give up and let the kids make the call then blammo - you get what you've got (like my DH gets what he's got a lot of the time).

twoviewpoints's picture

Six unhappy people all living together. It's not working for anyone.

"We've postponed our wedding twice because of two ongoing issues and are now talking of separating or at least living in separate homes. "

Yeah, no wedding any time soon. It sounds like you've both tried with the usual types of counseling. If things were ok prior to everybody living together, separate homes just might be worth an attempt. Going back to being a couple in a relationship dating perhaps will remind you both what brought the two of you together in the first place. You have one off to college in a year, and two more heading out in four years.

I don't predict your unhappy joint home improving (even with additional counseling) . It may be time just to focus on being a couple can't really 'fix' six people.

Acratopotes's picture

All I can say is... live in separate houses ... not saying end the relationship but you both will be happier..
I do not live with my SO anymore and I'm much happier .... We will move in together again once Aergia is out of the house, 1.5 years tops..
My son, Deigma will stay behind in my house and pay rent people....

Then Sir... your fiance is not a young girl anymore lol... read up on menopause and what it does to a woman's sex drive.. woman of our age and round about ... we are not microwaves where you press a button and we are warmed up, no we are more like old Aga stoves, you need to warm us up for a long long time... and sex is truly not that important anymore, cuddling and making out is way way better... but believe me the day she's warmed up you will pray for a break.

Being a mother, working full time and maintaining house, take the sex drive away... then dealing with girls in their teens, dead killer for passion, believe me... I have a 17 year old SD... self centered, bratty little snot, they all think the world revolves around them... I think this is normal 17 year old behavior.

Arrange a week-end where her girls are going to Dad and yours to friends and have a good old fashioned naughty week-end somewhere cosy even if there's no sex.... it's time alone spend that is the nice thing... and what ever you do, do not allow any one to talk about the children, this is your time and you only talk about you!!!

Get an action plan in place... and future dates... when will kids leave the house, age 21 regardless if they are working or studying? Age 18 like in my case..... Then you know this life will go on for another 10-13 years till the last one is out, before you get married and live as man and wife...

For now, live separately, have date nights, and ensure you see each other 5 out of 7 days... make out with her on her coach when her girls are not there, and cuddle cuddle cuddle....

sadstep1's picture

Red flag! You said she admitted that her last failed relationship fell apart because she didn't focus on him. People don't usually change. I do understand where she is coming from when she says she doesn't feel sexual because of the tension in the house. I can relate to that, but when your husband asks for more attention, then you have to make a conscious effort to attend his needs. I have a hateful step son and my husband's nasty ex-wife to deal with, so I can relate to putting up with people that want to make your life a living hell. The thing is, what are you willing to put up with? And, you have to consider that these kids will be grown and gone before you know it and then where will you be? You need to decide what is best for you first.

Tommyhawk222's picture

Thank you everyone for the comments. A few were pretty harsh but I precipitate the perspectives. I tried to paint a general picture but I think I didn't do a very good job of some things.

A couple of thing to clarify.

One, My fiance has Clinical depression and has had this since her 20's, not because of perimenopause. I knew and accepted this when I asked her to marry. I just wasn't aware of how the combo of depression and the meds impact a persons life on so many levels until after we moved in. It's easier to hide it when you see each other a few times a week. She occasionally verbalizes she is aware of the behaviors and doesn't like it herself and thanks me for putting up with her ups and downs.

Two, I am not in the girls rooms hanging out. I'm usually in the doorway or I'm asked to come in to help with a homework question or to fix something...door is always open. I respect their privacy so the idea that I'm some kind of creep is off base. But that said, point is taken. I coach girls softball and soccer and am versed and well aware of not to be alone with young ladies.

Low sex and affection may be off base as well. This isn't about release or just sex. Yes, I am a male yet I am mature man first. And I understand the eb and flow. I was married before for over 20 years. For the women chastising me about that, it's how a man or I feel to be close and bonded to his woman. How we/I feel loved and accepted. And when it's withheld on purpose for extended periods of time, it's rejecting and hurtful. Yes, men having feelings and emotions too. A man needs to feel desire from his woman, that need can only be met by her and in my case is only wanted by her, no one else. I do not harp on her or even initiate frequently, that would knowingly be a turn off. This is a two person issue. I'm not after just sex...It's a loving, respectful, passionate relationship with her. But maybe some of you are right, I'm not doing a very good job of guiding this family and that may be a turn off. I feel as if I'm caught in a catch 22. If I'm doing or asking too much, I'm controlling, if I do too little I'm weak. Neither is attractive.

My girls miss their mom terribly. They watched her suffer and die at a very young age and have to share me with another woman. Very difficult especially at these age. I hope that will change with time but they know she's not coming back and are dealing with it as best they can. For those of you saying they should accept and deal with it, my girls are trying but it's easier said than done when all of your friends have their mother...not all have a dad but they do have their mother. A mom is important at this age and they got robbed. I over compensate sometimes.

Yes, there is disrespect on both sides. There are times when all the girls are getting along. These two issues arise every few months and last for a month or so. When the home is not clicking, the intimacy stops. A revolving circle. And remember five females under one roof all trying to navigate hormones, new families (her ex recently married) and adjusting the sharing and where they fit in. We have been to counselors that specialize in blended families, we just have not initiated most of the fault and hers. They are all good kids trying to navigate the situation we created. They are also teenage brats.

I am far from perfect and have made many mistakes and yet have made many right choices. I still romance my fiance regularly. We have date nights, weekends away every month or two, and one nice vacation just us every year. I open doors, gifts for no reason, hug and kiss without making it sexual. I provide financially for our home and emotional support to her. I hug her kids goodnight, ask about their day, help with homework and even coach her youngest in soccer. All this while running my business as well. I'm not lazy nor lack effort. The difference here is while I try and put our relationship first and find balance in the rest, she has said what some of you have said. Between her work (she works part time while the kids are in school), health issues, her kids, her ex, her need for down time, church, that she's tired and doesn't have much left at the end of the day. Two different perspectives on priorities. I'm down the ladder so to speak.

So yes, here we are. Moving into separate homes is a valid option. So is working on this with compromise and compassionate understanding. And so is moving on to find someone more compatible with each others priories and needs. Like one of you stated, and I'm paraphrasing, Love is one thing, Logical compatibility is another.

Again, thank you everyone for your time and inputs.