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Court date early February :(

Toastergirl's picture

DH told me his lawyer called today. His lawyer went and talked with judge, and there is a court date set for February 3rd.

I am scared shitless. I was PRAYING DH would call this off. That he would tell his lawyer just to file for CS modification only (because of job loss). Once Dr. Evil finds out DH has lost his job she will drag this out to bleed every penny she can Sad She has told SD, "Your dad spends all his money in court trying to take you away from me." Dr. Evil has money, and will spend whatever necessary if it means it drains DH's funds.

I am scared of the outcome from this. DH thinks that Hex's lawyer will ask for a continuance, which is what he kept doing last time.

I am also afraid because several months ago I attempted to contact Dr. Evil in order to co-parent. This was stupid of me, I know. I was still naive. I inquired what foods SD eats at hexs house, what vitamins she takes, discipline, etc. I sent an email, and then Dr. Evil called me. I could hear the beep and an echo, so I am very certain she was recording me. Dr. Evil rambled on and on, and was quite friendly but I do remember her asking, "I didn't think DH was interested in co-parenting?" I stammered (not wanting to blame her) and just said, "I think it's a good idea." I am afraid she will use this against DH in court. I did not say anything bad happens here with the exception of SD getting angry and hitting her friend. She then denied it happens at her house or she has ever known SD to hit (this is proven untrue by school records). and we have not communicated since. DH knows of the call, but not the details. He told me just to never co-parent with her as she will twist everything. In the call, Dr. Evil told me SD does not know about sex. Two and a half weeks later, SD was telling me one of "secrets": that her mother told her all about sex, what screwing is, and that she HAS to keep sex a secret from her dad or else her dad will try and take her away from her mom. How bad did I ruin the case by trying to co-parent and listen to hex ramble on with lies?

How does this process now work? The lawyer talked about wanting to establish a GAL. I am hesitant about this, as I've read they are pretty much useless. Unless the GAL actually digs deep to figure out WHY SD strongly prefers her mother, our case is as good as lost. Given the fact SD has no counselor yet either, just my documentation of the PAS, I don't think this will do anything except now make me a target and make the PAS worse.

I could seriously cry, Im so worried. I don't want this.


Maxwell09's picture

I don't think you telling BM that coparenting is a good thing will change anything. The judge will hear that you tried and that you can communicate with her so you aren't the problem. If anything I think it makes you look good not bad.

Toastergirl's picture

YeH I mean...I tried, no cursing, I was polite and cordial. I just know that hex has nothing on DH so I think she will try and find a way to blame me for SOMETHING. No idea what it could be though. I don't have a criminal record, I can provide references...I guess we shall see how this all plays out.

SecondGeneration's picture

This is one of those twisted blessings when it comes to step-life. The step parents are pretty irrelevant when it comes to judges and custody, only really in circumstances that steps have criminal records or ongoing applications for restraining orders between steps and bio parents. Aside from that they dont care about the steps. If step is working and living with bio parent then that adds to "family stability" within that household, if step isnt working its nothing to do with it as its the bio parents responsibility.

Dont sweat, you did nothing wrong. You attempted to open communications, if she plays the recording then she gives more away on herself than on you. Teaching sex education is also no biggie, thats down on personal opinion, some schools start teaching sex ed from 5 years, others dont go there till 12+.
The BM is just picking up her little pellets, all the little things that she can think of and some more in hope that it tilts the scales in her favour. Problem is, those little pellets that piss us off are 99% non-issues in courts of law.

Try to be supportive of your husband, but let him bare the weight of the court proceedings, its not your fight.

Toastergirl's picture

Thank you all so much! I feel better. Yes, this is my DH's "burden to bear" so I will emotionally support him, however I need to not get so emotionally invested in this.