Skid’s Golden Calf – Photos of the First Failed Family
Looks like they’re all reading straight from the Toxic Skid Playbook—same script, same nonsense.
I’m writing this because of MorningMia’s post, The dysfunctional theme/fantasy of SD's life
The dysfunctional theme/fantasy of SD's life – The Problem - Why do they do this?
SD sent DH a wedding photo featuring herself flanked by DH on one side and her mother on the other. This might have been a typical family snapshot if SD's parents had maintained any semblance of a cordial post-divorce relationship. However, they hadn't spoken for years prior to the wedding. BM had been excluded from our lives due to her aggressive, toxic, and destructive behavior.
My Observation
Any time a Passed-Out-Skid has a picture in their paws of its first failed family, three things you should assume:
First, there’s a crazy-ass-BM—raging in the background, a one-woman propaganda machine, cranking out delusions and rewriting history at full speed. Because let’s be real, toxic and dysfunctional members of the first failed family aren’t just at odds with reality—they’re in an all-out war against it.
Second, BM has orchestrated a classic Drama Triangle, casting herself and the skids as the perpetual victims, while painting the biological father and his partner as the villains. This dynamic allows BM to avoid examining her own role in the marriage's breakdown. The skids, in turn, align with the parent who either shares their perspective or provides them with what they desire.
The Drama Triangle, conceptualized by Stephen Karpman, outlines three roles typically adopted in high-tension interactions: the Victim, the Persecutor, and the Rescuer. In this scenario, BM and the skids occupy the Victim role, casting the biological father and his partner as the Persecutors. This framework enables BM to deflect responsibility for the failed marriage and garner sympathy from the skids.
Children often align with the parent who either validates their feelings or fulfills their needs. This alignment can be influenced by various factors, including the desire for approval, shared perspectives, or material benefits. In this case, the skids may gravitate towards BM because she offers them a narrative that absolves them of any discomfort regarding the divorce and possibly provides them with tangible rewards.
By perpetuating this Drama Triangle, BM ensures that she remains the central figure in the skids' lives, their cult-leader, always, while the biological father and his partner are unjustly vilified.
Third, the delusional offspring still haven’t moved on from the divorce—because why let logic or time get in the way of a good grudge? Instead, they’re fully committed to the post-divorce shenanigans, running the exact program BM installed in their heads, like well-trained minions on autopilot. Its multi-generational and it never ends.
Our Situation
YSD was always PASSed-Out—in hindsight, she was less of an innocent bystander and more of a sleeper agent, secretly gathering intel for her cult leader. Her mission? Keeping close tabs on the Bank of Dad—sorry, I mean DH.
Meanwhile, BM played the victim card like a seasoned pro, luring her cult members into the role of her loyal rescuers. That was her secret sauce—emotional manipulation at its finest.
In the background, BM, the reigning woe-is-me cult leader, executed her master plan to perfection, brainwashing the skids into believing she was the pure-hearted innocent and DH was basically Satan in a polo shirt.
How do we know? Because of the things YSD would say:
“When BM dies, she wants her ashes scattered at ‘Never-Never Land’—the honeymoon spot of DH and BM. Why? Because she says that was the happiest time of her life.”
Reality check: Funny, when it came time to go to ‘Never-Never Land’ for their honeymoon, BM got cold feet—almost backing out of the wedding mid-flight. Fast-forward over a decade later, BM was miserable with DH—so much so that she cheated on him. She already had her next husband lined up before even filing for divorce.
“I loved DH the most, not Toaster. But DH was so abusive—he pushed me away.”
Reality check: BM, when is loving someone a competition?
BM’s definition of ‘abusive’ and ‘he pushed me away,’ translates to DH refusing to cater to her every excessive whim:
- NO! to the brand-new designer sports car she expected him to pay for.
- NO! to being her designated driver so she could hit the bars and get wasted.
- NO! to an excessive clothing budget for the skids. DH allowed enough clothes for a month’s rotation—BM demanded a three-month wardrobe.
- NO! She couldn’t spend all her money of spa treatments, hair appointments, nails, lashes, and new clothes, she had to save some.
- Hell No! To always bring fast food home or eating out at restaurants all the time.
- Oh…Hell No! To BM bringing her druggie friends into the house wanting a place to do recreational drugs.
- And, on and on we go.
Enter the Scared Relic of the First Failed Family – An indication the Full-Blown PASSed-Out has occurred
When the PASSed-Out Skids start creating shrines to the first failed family, It's game over!
BM had OSD and YSD so deep in the Cult of Mom that, during YSD’s peak PASSed-Out era, she turned her bedroom (aka the Bermuda Triangle of nasty laundry and empty Power drink cans and food wrappers) into a full-blown shrine for the first failed family.
Imagine a makeshift Voodoo altar— picture a dusty dresser, covered in junk, except for one carefully curated altar to BM’s delusions, a pagan ritual site—with this picture at its center:
The Blessed Madonna and Child— Slatternly BM, beaming in her rightful place at the center, with her Golden Child [BM’s Mimi-me avatar] cast as the second coming of BM, namely, Slatternly OSD
- The Overworked Serf—DH, looking like he just lost a fight with life itself.
- The Bewildered Bystander—YSD, (the Lost Child) posed in a permanent state of Huh?
Honestly, all it needed was some incense and a few candles to make it an official place of worship. Maybe even a donation plate for BM’s ever-growing list of demands.
Around the same time, YSD went completely off the rails—sneaking out, disappearing without a trace, and, despite being a minor, gallivanting around with adult men.
When DH finally put his foot down and grounded her, confiscating her phone for a whole day, he was suddenly labeled as 'abusive.' Imagine that—YSD had finally faced actual consequences for once! But, lo and behold, YSD teamed up with BM and called in the big guns—Child Protective Services—on DH.
YSD the Hypocrite
It's a real head-scratcher: YSD idolizes the "first failed family" so much that she practically built a Voodoo shrine on her cluttered dresser. Yet, she's out here accusing DH of abuse when she doesn't get her way. Talk about mixed signals!
While YSD clings to the idealized family image, she's been coached to see DH as the bad guy.
Add a dash of cognitive dissonance—the mental gymnastics we perform when holding conflicting beliefs—and you've got YSD in a bind. She venerates the original family unit but has estranged herself from DH, a primary member of her first failed family, leading to actions that contradict her supposed values. Essentially, YSD is a hypocrite.
In short, YSD's behavior is learned manipulation and internal conflict, causing her to act against the very family image she claims to hold dear.
As for OSD and YSD eventually seeing the light? Well, let's just say I'm NOT holding my breath for them to have that "a-ha" moment anytime soon.
It seems that OSD and YSD, much like MorningMia's skids, are enamored with an idealized version of their original family. However, in reality, they've distanced themselves from a key member of that family, possibly due to self-serving motives. Essentially, they are all hypocrites!
- Toaster's blog
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IMHO.. pictures like this
IMHO.. pictures like this only have any meaning.. if you let them.
I remember my DH came home one day to see a picture of him on a shelf.. it was him in a tux.. it was from his wedding to his EX. I knew it was probably that when I put it up.. but I told him.. I just think it was a great picture of you.. so I framed it and put it up... oddly enough one of the few pictures that his EX didn't take and trash when she left..
I know it wasn't of them together.. but still.. clearly it was from that "day"... and I think some people might have not wanted to see it.. but it was a great picture. I wasn't wasting it.. haha.
Now.. if the kids (as adults).. perpetuated sending pictures..
I could see handling it in snarky ways.. first.. could photoshop the pic to replace the BM with stepmom.. or just cut BM out... send back to skid.. "look I fixed it".
Or comment.. Oh.. yeah.. we were all so thin and young looking.. now look at us all..haha.
You've written; ...I just think it was a great picture of you.. so I framed it and put it up...
Evil Stepmother of Death, you really are something special!
I need to come back to this..
I need to come back to this....whew!
The altar to the failed
The altar to the failed family can be built both ways. Idealizing the golden uterus BM or the golden staff of insemination SpermDad. Clearly, in either case the deity that the alter is built to is far from worthy. Either way, the facts are the Kryptonite to the altar of delusion. BM was cheating and had her next insemination partner lined up. Did anyone every give the OSD and YSD reality on this or was that a verboten topic?
SpermGrandHag was the high Priestess of the SpermClan and the main source for the deification of the Spermidiot. No mention of course that DW was one of several underage victims of the statutory rape career of the Spermidiot. DW was at fault for the dissolution of the diety of bearing the spawn of the Spermidiot. "You were not a good enough wife to him or he would not have cheated." No grasp of reality that DW refused to marry his pervy skanky child molesting ass and booted him when he cheated on her with yet another 16yo before SS turned 1yo. DW was 17 at that time.
This was the never ending model that SpermGrandHag played during the 16+ years of the CO. Any mention of the facts was an assault on the altar of perfection that SpermGrandHag built and defended at all costs. But, a polished turd at its core is nothing but shit so we kept assaulting the bullshit facade with the facts keeping SS increasingly abreast of those facts in an age appropriate manner as the Hag kept trying to bullshit him and build the message that DW and I were evil and the SpermClan were the victims. Primarily that DW was taking SS away from the SpermClan.
SS would come home with some anger over lies that the Hag loaded him up with asking why we were taking food away from his 3 younger Spermidiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas. At which point, out came the facts, the truth, etc... Then we had the anger that SS expressed over the SpermGrandHag's lies. We would tell him to ask her why she told him whatever he then realized was bullshit. That was poking the dragon but, the arrows of fact, truth, and official documention (COs, arrest records, etc....) stick even in reptilian slime eating biotches from hell.
Occasional sobs and crying about how much the Spermidiot loved and missed my DW, and ultimately the Hag telling then adult aged SS that my DW was the best thing that ever happened to the SpermIdiot and that she wished that DW was the mother of the the three younger Spermidiot spawn. The final victory of character and quality over evil was when SpermGrandHag told SS that she was glad that he had been raised by a good man who set a good example of a father for SS.
It took two+ decades and seemingly never ending application of the facts, truth, endless discussions, holding an angry tearful young man as he navigated the toxicity that the visitation schedule exposed him to. But SS is the triumph that his mom and I focused on and countered the toxicity for each and every time the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool splashed over the slime covered banks that generally contained them.
If OSD and YSD do not know that GUBM was a cheating whore, it is long past time that they did. It is long past time that they were given notarized copies of every pertinent fact that bares their toxic BM's ass and points out their own participation in supporting ehr skanky, cheating, nasty crap. As them why they want to be anything like whore-mommy. And keep reformulating that question every time they try a different slant on BM worshiping bullshit highlighting the facts that clearly define who and what the BM is.
Eventually BM will be her own worst enemy and your best tool and weapon for giving the SDs clarity. Ultimately the SpermIdiot slit his own throat with SS and Spawn#2. One of the key epiphanies that SS had was when SpermIdiot took SS to the Spermidiots favorite teen girl hunting mall when SS was in his late teens. Spermidiot was in his mid 40s. The SpermIdiot was making eyes at and flashing gangbanger signs at teen girls who would get all giggly. SS is a very nice looking man and was a good looking teen as well. SpermIdiot maintained a trip phyique and wore edgy hair styles and mode of dress. Then the young teen girls would get close enough to realize that the Spermidiot was a weathered middle aged man and would guffaw at him while walk off together making unflattering comments about the SpermIdiot. Though SS had heard about the Spermidiot targeting teen girls, when SS actually experienced it for himself it was a major moment of clarity for him. The dumb-ass being overt about his profound cannabis habit just added to SS detesting the POS.
The only way to destroy an alter of delusion is to burn it down with the facts, truth, and reality. Pile the facts high, and keep the fires of reality well fueled.
IMHO of course.
When a SK lives with one Birth parent
An that's '''' there’s a crazy-ass-BM—''''''. They are going to get history rewritten, on '''' crazy-ass-BM—''' point of view. Adding the factor that SK thinks life would be better with a ''Happy family''. The SK imagine a great life with there parents back together
After marriage and children, they imagine that great vacation at Disney with there SO, kids abd both parents.
unfortunately there nothing anybody can do. It's there fantasy And fantasy's are hard to give up.