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tkerb_08's Blog

BD1 calls me by my name....Does it ever stop???

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Ok So I know why she calls me by my name. Because all three of my step children do. But my husband and I always refer to my as mommy to her and mommy and daddy when talking to each other to the point that even my ss2 that is with us full time even sometimes calls me mommy. Why does BD1 still call me Tara? Has any other BM & SM gone through this? How long does it last?

Anyone else think They have the most Ignorant BM ever?

tkerb_08's picture

Grr... I swear BM is so f'in ignorant it makes me so mad. So we had SS6 and SD4 since Wednesday last week. BM has an thing for cutting SS's hair into a mo-hawk DH don't really like it and has told SS he thinks it makes him look silly. This is not the first time this has happened. So my DH told him this yet again when we got him back with a mo-hawk. The next morning he looked at his daddy and said "daddy I want to look like you" then he turned to me and asked "will you buzz it off please?" he asked me so nicely so of course I said yes.