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UPDATE: Even More NYS CSEU Stupidity

thinkthrice's picture

And now they have returned my prorated check for last week which takes in account the days in which the HousesHitter YSS was age 20 for that week!  No explanation.

No letter that says you no longer have to pay CS because YSS has aged out.

Unreal.  I wonder how many weeks of this clown world will go on?

Any bet takers?  

FINALLY!  We finally got the official letter from the New York State Child Support Enforcement Unit that the HousesHitter (YSS 21)  has officially emancipated due to turning 21 and that Chef no longer owes any more CS!!!!

That was one helluva long ride.  I don't recommend for anyone to get hooked up with a guy who owes CS in New York State ever.  Just RUN!!!


Harry's picture

GirHippo isn't going to take this . So easy.  How can she buy ubra  with a lost of income.  Be careful