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Trifecta of Detention!!

thinkthrice's picture

Ok I'll go back to my old names. . .Prince Hygiene SS12, received detention last month for skipping homework. Which is CONSTANT with Dominatrix, SS16 and was CONSTANT with Brainiac OSS18 when he was in school.

So another notice comes in the mail. He skipped DETENTION for missed homework and now is on "Administrative Detention" (double secret probation???).

Once again "phone call to parent" (the BM who shall be referred to as the Girhippo) and a "conference with the student." (TM)

Got slapped with a THIRD detention for ignoring the detention on 1/9/15.

The funny (sad?) thing is, the Girhippo is a NYS CPS WORKER by trade. Any more of these feckless wrist slaps and it might start to feel the tiniest bit warm. Which, I guess, is good because DAMN it's cold out!!



GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I'm not all surprised she's a NYS CPS worker. The level of incompetence in that agency is unreal. No offense to any CPS workers on the board, but the ones I've dealt with in NY have been worthless.

DaizyDuke's picture

Agree! I deal with them on pretty much daily basis because of my job and other than a very select few... the rest are all into hand holding, spoon feeding, let me do it for you, let the problem go on and on and on until it's too far gone. You pretty much have to murder someone for a case to be "founded" and for any kind of action to be taken.

thinkthrice's picture

"You pretty much have to murder someone for a case to be "founded" and for any kind of action to be taken."

That is if the charges are against the Golden Uterus!!

If it's against the NCP biodad or the CP biodad for that matter, trumped up charges are the delight of all at CPS town.

They go for the low hanging fruit; basically a tool for vindictive, PASing BMs. They wouldn't DARE go after REAL child abuse. That would be politically incorrect and FAR too DANGEROUS!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Not surprised she's NYS CPS worker. No offense to any CPS workers on the board, but the ones I've dealt with have been hopelessly clueless. I'm sure there are some really competent ones, but I haven't encountered them. I'm a social worker and I hate the CPS system.