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Still More Turd Polish...

thinkthrice's picture

Possibly eternal optimism? Chef was told by turd-polishing older brother, that OSS stb 20, is "living with his GF just north of the mothership." First of all, GF?? OSS is a dead ringer for Victor(ia) Porkchop Parker (without drag makeup).

I have a few computer customers on that street and I have NEVER seen OSS with ANY GF to this day, nor has he ever been anything but "single" on social media.

I DO always see him hanging out on the front porch of the Girhippo's house with a blank stare (probably due to chronic unemployment and constant pot smoking).

This is the same older bro whose son knocked up a GUBM-in-training and naively thinks his cavemanesque son will get custody without paying CS simply by telling said baby mama that he wants custody.

Even CHEF had a chuckle on that one.
