Spin Off on Skids Eating Habits--Dining Out with Peccaries
I should preface by saying that when I was young, fast food was, well just not there. There were mostly diners and formal sit down restaurants other than the lunch counter at Woolworths. We were taught early on about table manners, how to hold your cutlery, napkin on lap, elbows off the table, chewing with your mouth closed, no talking and chewing at the same time, how to say "no thank you I don't care for this or that" instead of "YUCKKK!!!!" not to take more food than you can eat, no bodily noises at the table, only polite quiet conversation when mouth is not full.
This is the way I taught my bios as well. That all went out the window when I met Chef. They would eat with their hands, burp, fart, spew crumbs by laughing and talking with their mouths full, demand Chef cut up their food, wipe their mouth with their sleeve often then wiping it on the wall.
The last time I ate out with one of Chef's ferals was at "Friendly's" with the Houseshitter only. That was the last straw. The scene in "A Christmas Story" where Randy eats like a little piggy comes leaping to mind. The constant demand to go to the washrooms with Chef accompanying him (at almost 7) seemed excessive to me. In the years past, there were several incidents at Applebees:
1. YSS snatching newspaper I was reading from my hands (I snatched it back and gave him a look that could kill)
2. Lying down in the middle of the corridor causing wait staff to have to walk over the bodies
3. Hanging onto any rail in site and swinging from said rail
4. Sticking straws up their noses and trying to snort chocolate milk that way
5. Standing up on the table, crouching down under the table by sliding down
6. Looking behind us and staring at other patrons while they eat then commenting "YUCK!" etc
7. Bouncing around in their seats
8. Spewing partially chewed food whilst screaming with ear piercing laughter
9. Ordering from the adult menu then wasting the food yet getting dessert regardless
10. Loud burping and farting on purpose
Most patrons would look on with horror anytime we entered a restaurant. Fortunately I bear no resemblance to the peccaries so I could safely mouth "they're not mine" and sometimes I would get a look of understanding/knowing by a particular female patron who may have had skids of her own. We would often get hate stares (well deserved) by the patrons which I totally blame on Chef's guilty/disney dadding and the Gir's unending permissiveness which continues to this day (allowing stb 17 Houseshitter to have a GF in his room alone with the door shut--a no no in my day and age).
- thinkthrice's blog
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Been there done alllllllll
Been there done alllllllll that.
Well, the SDs have never snatched anything directly out of my hand, so there is a missing experience there. I would have done the exact same thing you did, plus get up and leave. I did that several times - just waited for DH and SDs outside because I couldn't take it any longer.
DH continues to be ignorant of parenting upon kids. Just last night he was theorizing that a "family with a strong Matriarch/Patriarch" would be a better family dynamic in that the strong older person could step in and help with directing a wayward kid. WTF? I told him, well, I think that it an old, antiquated dynamic and that TWO strong PARENTS with adequate parenting skills (i.e. chores, boudaries, expecations, etc) is likely enough. And that whatever the matriarch/patriach is doing is likely done as a last resort, i..e parents have asked for their help - they don't just show up out of the blue one day to discipline the kid AND that will those strong older people who have likely also begat strong children who are good parents, and so on, the problems are likely minimal. That ended the conversation.
Not Sure If You've Encountered This
but these days, Chef seems to be VERY aware of BRATS in a public setting and shows his disgust!!! WOW I guess he couldn't see himself as ONE OF THOSE parents who never corrects his children--letting them run literally feral!!! And of course you don't DARE remind him that his brats were horrid. He has rose coloured visions of them with halos on.
LOL - DH does this too now.
LOL - DH does this too now. Gets super annoyed by loud/obnoxious kids in restaurants/cafes. I just look at him and deadpan, "Really?"
I have fond memories of
I have fond memories of smoking sections in restaurants for the sole reason that it was typically child-free. I very much with restaurants had turned those smoking sections into No Children sections. I can dream!
Saying urggghhhhhhh
I hate that with a passion it is so rude and my 16 yo SS does this all the time, you offer him so.etbing he goes yack urgghh bad mannered little s*&t. I took him along to my granddaughters birthday party at like a play centre soft play type thing she's only 2 but we opted for pizza fries etc as the kids were mixed ages I have bios 13,12,10 it was nice until skid started his rude tricks, family sat there all calm he starts with the urrgghh at the food which was fine he was being a little s&€T. HE TOOK HIMSELF OFF TO THE CAFE claiming he was going to the toilet and came back with a huge piece of cake and an xl coke so I say where you got the money he says Xmas money in my coat, I say it's quite rude he shrugs his shoulders then every time my backs turned he's off to the cafe and I'm exasperated but can't say much as I don't want to cause a scene but so so greedy !! His bio aunt (dh sister) said that's rude you need to stop and he gave her a shrug too which infuriated her then he's sat coat on 4 cokes drained and cake all over him and that was that point where I decided he will never come.out with me again EVER burping loudly ramming food in and being a pig NEVER AGAIN my bios and grandkids aren't perfect but they don't act like animals when we are.out my SIL has 6 YO Twin girls who behaved beautifully. He will never come with me again !!! Told Dh and he commented on the pig behaviour but did nothing about it so.i said from now on you take him out he's got no manners and it's embarrassing !!!!!
I know this is an older post but daaang.
I totally see shades of my GROWN skids in this. I've often thought "No wonder DH waited to date until they were all adults" I Especially see how the gkids of these adults now act as well in public and think yup, apples and trees.
I do not understand this kind
I do not understand this kind of crap and I don't care who is offended. I was a waitress duiring my student years and saw things that would make your hair stand on end:
Besidesthat, there is no excuse for bad table manners other than the parents' ignorance. I have a daughter who has Down Syndrome and huge fine motor skill problems and yet she could use chopsticks (!) by the time she was 3. She has had trouble with knives but that was overcome before she was 6 (sheer determination, she was damned it she couldn't use them like everyone else!). She's now 20 and still has trouble with scissors but that's not the end of the world. My point is, why do parents of neurotypical kids allow them to behave like savages. Can you imagine the reaction of their coworkers when they have to eat beside them in the canteen/coffee room/kitchen at work? Why are they not preparing them for their future? There is no way a kid with no social graces is ever going to climb the social ladder. Why don't these parents love their kids enough to instill proper manners in them?
It was an embarrassment to me knowing I didn't really know things and really no one to teach me. I made manners and consideration an important part of my children's upbringing. At least there's YouTube now. I guess.