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For the Skid Who May Not Launch at Anytime After 18 and Still Gets CS

thinkthrice's picture

I caught a glimpse of the Job Corps advertising on TV. They have a website that you can sign your 18+ year old skid up for information/brochures. They offer job training, jobs, etc. Especially good for those skids past 18 years of age who fail out of HS or barely squeak by with no intentions of college.

This is particularly apropos to those of you who live in a past-18-year-old-CS region!!


TexasPickles's picture

There is AmeriCorps, which is a great jobs program for all (they even have senior adult programs in some states), and it looks great on a resume. But most of the AmeriCorps kids work their arse off, so not really a good program for a slacker.

notsofast's picture

I used to be a teacher. I had a teacher colleague who did Job Corps and became an auto mechanic. He worked his way up from minimum wage to running his own high end repair shop. Then he sold it, retired from that and became a teacher, teaching auto mechanics to some of my students. He spoke very highly of this program, but admitted he was a troublemaker when he was younger. He saw this program as something that turned his life around. Listening to him talk about it left me very impressed with the program.

My students LOVED him because he understood them and his story was something they dreamed of achieving, especially those with learning issues (I was a special ed teacher in an inner city high school) but who were great with their hands and enjoyed building things/solving problems.

Acratopotes's picture

yah for those who worries about their snowflakes building huts and toilets in Africa...

remember I live here,,,, I will look after your special snow flakes }:) }:)

bitsnpieces15's picture

I think anything that will help motivate the unmotivated generation that is being raised is a good thing! Even if it is fear of being placed in a program!

thinkthrice's picture

Me too. So not sure how SD 18.5 would do in this seeing that the Girhippo is all coddling all the time; BFFer type "parent." SD is about 8 years old mentally and emotionally (stunted by the Girhippo)

ESMOD's picture

We had a neighbor who said he went into this program.. he bombed out.

He also got a great job at a local plant.. caught drinking at lunch..

Then he was on disability.. um yeah..

Then he and his friends ended up breaking in our house. After we had done tons of things for him, his wife and kids... some people can't be helped.