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Semi O/T Chef's Life Insurance Health Tests

thinkthrice's picture

Are in..  His liver enzymes are off the chart.  The high range number was 54.  His was 76.  At first he tried to wave it off (aka poo poo it).  His blood sugar was a bit on the high side as well.  But I think it scared him.   He's now drinking tea instead of knocking back hard liquor drink after drink nightly.  He's requesting healthy foods for dinner too.

I doubt this phase will last.   He goes just as long as he thinks he's out of the woods and then resumes his old bad habits again.   High functioning alcoholic with the all or nothing type personality.

I'm pretty sure he will be denied a life insurance plan.    I have a plan now for my burial costs and will be updating my (secret) will to mention the ferals as was advised here.  They will be getting a dollar each (for reasons well known to them).


thinkthrice's picture

Even with inflation. 

thinkthrice's picture

Doesn't know about it.   Just my bios.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I am definitely considering going full on joan crawford in my will when it comes to the steps but it wont be $1.00, it will be nothing for reasons well known to them

You cant do anything about someones health, the change has to come from within themselves. Its good that you are encouraging small steps towards change