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HousesHitter (YSS 18.5) Scrubbed His Social Media

thinkthrice's picture

Again.  He "earned" his pathetic HS diploma after months of truancy, doing no work either online or in person.   The Gir made sure he didn't have to go to summer school for his senior year (although he had gone to summer school every year to "catch up" since grade one)

Not sure what caused him to scrub his social media accounts this time... the last time he did it was because his GF broke up with him (smart girl).   

He is unemployed, addicted to drugs, vid games and no way to know if he leaves home or not.  Should be voted most likely to live in Mom's basement until 40 years old.  Other than scuttle butt from Mr. Not So Neutral, which comes at a price because he normally only calls when he wants something, we won't know.

  And Chef certainly won't press Mr. NSN for information about his youngest budding felon.  Probably due to extreme embarrassment that his ferrals are such POS.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oh, come now, thrice. Live in Mom's basement until 40? More like live in Mom's basement until the end of time!

Ispofacto's picture

Heh.  That reminds me of the time my former SS robbed a bank and posted the money on his facebook page.


thinkthrice's picture

Something the HousesHitter would do. 

halo1998's picture

and probably post pictures of the weapon he used....he still postes pics of him with his drugs...  

halo1998's picture

I swear they do the same sh*t....GWR even went to so far to tell people he would "kick" DH's ass..

GOOD F'N LUCK THERE GWR..your Dad lifts and quite frankly could take down a bear if he your drug using fast food eating video game playing @ss has no shot at doing any damage to DH.