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EEEEEviiiiiil Stepmom Responsible for. . . .POLTERGEIST ACTIVITY!!!

thinkthrice's picture

Ok I admit I'm a ghost story addict. So when I DVRed "My Haunted House" on LMN, I wasn't expecting another eeeeeeviiiiiil stepmom story. But that's EXACTLY what it was!

Turns out teen girl's BM that she was living with passed away. Sad, yes. So she went to live with her biodad who was remarried with a child similar in age (most likely his 2nd wife's biodaughter)

As soon as biodad's daughter enters the new house, strange things begin to happen. Biodad's daughter IMMEDIATELY comments on all the house rules and that her SM is a "control freak" LOL!

Biodad's daughter consults a medium who tells her that her dead mother is protecting her against the eeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiiil SM who is actually PRODUCING POLTERGEIST ACTIVITY DUE TO HER NEGATIVITY TOWARD HER SKID (Biodad's daughter)!

There is a LOT of arguing with biodad and SM where there was very little beforehand.

In three months, biodad and SM are divorced as SM and her biodaughter flee the haunted house.

An end commentary flashes on the screen saying that biodad continues to live in the house peacefully.



katielee's picture

LOLOLOL... this is worse than my SD12 saying Katielee makes the dogs poop more (cause it was her chore to get the dog poop off the porch).

Goodness gracious, does EVERYTHING have to be blamed on the stepmom??? I am so sick of society's attitude toward us in general.

calm retreat's picture

Have you ever seen the movie "The Uninvited"

My SD17 was only 11 when DH and I got married in Nov 2008. The following summer June 2009, after much PAS, he finally got a CO for scheduled visitation he started to enforce it. The first time she came to visit was really awkward, she and I had not spent extended time together. DH took her to the Video Store and asked her to pick something out. This movie "The Uninvited" is what she choose. She sat there giving me the evil eye while the "evil" SM was getting her body chopped into little bits by the SD and thrown in the trash. I was horrified and could never really sleep well while she was in our home. I wonder if she even remembers that night, or that movie. I do. :O

calm retreat's picture

It's really bad too, the trailer makes it look really good, but the SM was portrayed as evil the whole way threw, in a really dumb obvious way, but the SD was the actual the evil one, but they romanticized it, and she gets away with murder. OMG it's the worst.

calm retreat's picture

Exactly!! At the time I was like wtf... I said to DH that she knew the plot and picked it on purpose. He said noooooo she wouldn't do that. Then the next day I overheard her talking to her friend on her cell phone ( ya she had a cell just in case she needed to call her mom for help pas...) and they were laughing about the movie and how I got the message. I called her on it and she denied everything, started crying ....screaming "I want my mommy" I had to let it go, DH didn't address it. I swear I was afraid to fall asleep with her there after that.

Drac0's picture

A while back, SS asked me if I was interested in "The Stepfather". I told him I was only interested in good horror movies; not DIY videos. He laughed, but it was an uncomfortable laugh. He never broached the subject again.