Dominatrix Makes a Breakup Video on FB to break up with her BF!
WOW This guy lucked out!
The video is of her and her BFF chomping away at pizza with Beyonce playing in the background. Both are talking while their mouths are full and spewing crumbs. Dominatrix is dissing her BF (aged 20) calling him "old" and "stone aged" and "not funny." Her BFF says "I never liked you" and "I bit your finger really hard--I bet that hurt." Then Dominatrix licks the pizza laden fingers of her BFF. "Truth is former BF, I can't STAND you" Cackling ensues.
"You're always commenting on my pictures and trying to get with me--but I"m already taken." Sneering and flashing "gang signs" with duck lips. Nice.
Completely disgusting and unclassy. But I feel relief for this dumb guy going down that path.
As a mother, I would be completely horrified if my kid ever did something so stupid, disgusting and white trash on FB!!
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What ludicrously unpleasant
What ludicrously unpleasant girls. Is this your sd?