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Another Letter

thinkthrice's picture

from YSS16's School saying he is dreadfully behind in math skills and nowhere near grade level (10th grade)  The scores paint a picture of a 10th grader who is working at a fourth grade math level.

 Shocking I tell you! (not)  Of course he is never in school and constantly truant.  The Girhippo doesn't make him go to school, do classwork or homework so this is to be expected.


Thumper's picture

Its a heck of a thing...isn't it.

Gotta love when ncp are never next of kin or emergency contacts. Funny how gosh darn important they are  for cs obligations.

thiscantbenormal's picture

Has there been truancy court yet?

DH has to go tomorrow b/c 2 of the kids missed way too many days the last 2 years.  Of course BM claims the children our traumatized from their visits here that she can't get them to school on her days even though we had zero issues getting them to school.  He he gets weekly voicemails from the school that a child is failing but we don't know which one.  All 3 of his kids are on an IEP.

Oh...and BM was bribing her 4th and special needs 6th grade children $100 each to not miss any days to put the responsibility on them.  They still truant and got the money.

Thumper's picture more and more ncp are paying cs well past emancipation age. This is because of so many special needs kids or disabled or kids on ssdi.

Not to scare you ===just be aware.


thiscantbenormal's picture

I know.  BM tried to get lifetime support put in place when he was 10.  DH's attorney said it could be fought b/c she ignored the court order to put him in ABA therapy.