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Still More Graphs and Charts. . .

thinkthrice's picture

. . .from YSS's school. Now they have the "I-Ready Diagnostic & Instruction" chart clearly showing that YSS (stb 15) in 9th grade is lagging behind.

Personally, I think it's pretty good for a kid who is constantly truant/tardy in school and supposedly has "learning disability--other" against him.

The chart shows the average 9th grade level score for reading is 648-700. YSS is at 604.

For math the average is 520-600. YSS is at 483.



moving_on_again's picture

Maybe one of them actually cares?

OSD always cared about her grades. She really has reading comprehension issues, though. That's from her biodad and BM (Not DH's kid but DH says she's his).

MSD and SS just don't give a crap. Both have been tested and always got above their grade level.