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After 6 years the kids FINALLY have beds,... well 2 out of 3 of them....

theoutsider's picture

Just picked up the kids from BM. They proudly announced that a man that works with their mom GAVE them bunk beds.

Well,... BM, although I'm happy that after 6 years you finally got around to having your kids not sleep on the floor at your place,... 2 out of 3???

SO,... the kids say they get to take turns who sleeps on the floor.


RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

When ss8 was 4, bm put him in a port-a-crib next to the bed she and her boyfriend were sleeping in as if were an infant. We finally figured out this and why he wet the bed every time he spent the night at BMs when one day ss came home from a visit, fell apart, and angrily sobbed that he is not a baby and he can't get out of the crib. O.O Dh had to explain to bm why a fully potty trained four year old could not be put in a crib. I feel for you.

realitycheckmom's picture

What is wrong with these women??? I am so pissed already and this makes me want to slap them!