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Just When I Thought I Had it Figured Out

TheOtherMom's picture

SS13 and SS11 have started a new school. If they didn't get in to the school now, then they couldn't start for another 2 years. It's a public charter school so it was just one of those opportunities we jumped at.

SS13 is an odd kid and he can be sweet when he isn't driving me or DH nuts.

SS11 is entering that annoying phase where he wants to stay a little kid but also wants to grow up.

In any case, they are allowed to bring an iPOD to school and listen to music at lunch which made SS13 grin from ear to ear because he is always humming or drumming away at his imaginary concert. But I didn't want him to take his iPOD since he can play games on it so I let him borrow mine.

I expected him to react like a brat and whine and say "but I want to take MINE to school ..." but instead he smiled, put his head on my shoulder and whispered "thank you SM"

Gosh kids are so surprising sometimes.