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Don't Belong?

TheOtherMom's picture

Why do I feel like I don't belong when the ex-wife/BM is around?
I know my husband is MY husband and he is not like some DH's on this site who stick up for the ex because of the kids. He truly is loyal.
The poor man has been tested though - admittedly I have tested him to see if, even though I am way wrong, he sticks by me, and he has. I love this man and his character.
But last night, we had to bring SS9's meds to him and BM before they flew out this morning.
I felt like I didn't belong ... like I had intruded on some serious bonding. DH was with me too!
Why did I feel like this?
I have been raising SS9 since he was 3 years old ... I don't understand.


stepoff's picture

You saw them all together and thought of how they were as a family. But that's the key word ... WERE. Please don't let yourself feel like that. Just remember that he is married to YOU now, you're his wife. Yes, his kids will always be his, but his ex-wife is the EX.

TheOtherMom's picture

Is that why? The boys also look so much like her ... they ACT like Dad but LOOK like Mom. How do I get over this? Logically and rationally ... I am having a hard time.

pepercash's picture

My DHs BM used to get in the car while we took her to do groceries and puposely talk about their past and what they have done together. It was so annoying and she used to constantly call him asking him to do things because she said he had to since she is the BM and he OWED her that much. I really felt out of place. Now he stands his ground sort of more than before and she put a hault to alot but I am the evil one at least that is what I was told.