O/T-Rough Patch Part II Being Last Place
As mentioned earlier things at home are very polarized, when theyre great its great but when its bad, its real bad.
I think we are almost at the end..there is only so much beating up he can take from me.
I shouldn’t say beating but rather critically dissecting certain people in his life, that I will define as “Users”.
He has one friend for the most part, I think he is “Okay”,(besides wanting to cheat on his wife because she is 250 lbs and 5’2’, invites women to his wedding he has slept with(some of these females are his and his wifes friends..did I mention she doesn’t know about this?).
He only seems to reach out to my SO when he needs something. For example, when this “user” is driving home from work because he’s bored, he’ll call my SO because SO usually picks me up..you don’t know how annoying it is to be in the car for an hour…I cant listen to the radio because hes talking to his friend or on a car trip, “Thou Shalt Stop Everything Because User is Calling.” I one time got so fed up, that I didn’t speak to my SO for a few days(we weren’t living together at the time) and I also made a phone call too while they were talking. Finally, I said something after the fear of sounding controlling.
I once had to ask him not to keep in contact with an individual he banged before we were dating.
My provocation: he wanted to set someone up at work with her(this psychic whore will bang anything that moves, she has 5 kids 3 different fathers..sickens me to know hes done this with her).
My dating philosophy haven’t banged many people to date, but if I had, I certainly would not want to keep in contact with them nor want to set them up with someone at work.
Yesterday, was going smoothly AGAIN I thought “Wow things are going good.” Earlier in the day SO had mentioned that User called and that he wanted him to “Go over on Saturday to help with Dry Wall.”
I got upset, here is my reasoning:I haven’t had a month off from my Daughter I love her, but I want to sleep in and not have to worry about anyone but me..if that makes sense). The weekend User wants SO to help him ,is the weekend my Daughter is away. SO gets a phone call from User last night, puts me on the spot and says so “Broken what are we doing Saturday?” while hes on the phone with him. I had to go into town so I left and raised my arm. HELLO, I Just told you that I don’t like that Idea.
Here is why I don’t want SO to help User besides the lack of morals(that’s his personal business and I do not agree).
1) Every Christmas we get their daughter something, in exchange, we haven’t received anything from them.
2) A few years ago SO left a China Cabinet at Users In Laws house, who rent the basement out, USER gave him a weekend to go get the China Cabinet, just 1 and if he didn’t get it then it would be part of the furnishings for the renter…Very Unfair considering this is SOs furniture, NOT Theirs. And it is now part of the furnishings for the renter.
3) We invite them over to a Summer BBQ this year, he calls the day of and cant make it.
4) They used to work at the same workplace, until User left his job in Aug 2013, during this time User kept in contact with who he was going to try to get hired over their. SO was never included, he in fact never got a text from User about a luncheon he had with his former co-workers SO was not included. How did SO find out about this….His PM mentioned it to him. Finally User started to talk to him, usually I believe this to be a motive.
SO defended his friend yesterday, like most people who get used do and said “Well you didn’t see the things User did for me for the last 10 years.” I responded and said, “it doesn’t matter what he did in the past, im talking about the things he’s done while ive known him.” Thus far, not impressed with the way he has treated SO.
SO doesn’t see it and Im done trying to defend him, I have been used like this that’s why I know whats going on. It turns into a huge fight and SO says, “Again I fuck up.”
I wouldn’t be that mad if SO would jump for me like he does for User. SO had been working on a project for almost 36 hrs straight (so I get it) but then he says, “I have to get back to work, I don’t have time to discuss if Im an asshole or not.” Funny, because he took an hour of his time talking to his friend yesterday. But with me, I left him a lone because he was busy, until we had a fast dinner. And he doesn’t have time.
Perhaps I am being unreasonable, but I am getting sick of being in last place. SO woke me up this morning to go to work, I locked the door so he knocked. Havent spoken to him since I left around 8:30 am this morning and don’t plan too…I need a break of trying to want to be with someone who doesn’t want to spend as much time with me as I do them. I want to save money. I want to be able to get my Degree, I am so close just 3 classes away. He is 20 years older than me…
If it doesn’t work out, I don’t want to go out with another guy…not interested. At the end of the day, I have my hand and that’s worked a lot better for me, than any other guy could…at least I know where its been.
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I feel bad for your DH. I
I feel bad for your DH. I have a "user" friend too that seriously won't even speak with me until she is in need then it turns into hard core demands. Its sad and can make a person feel alone. My DH probably feels like you do to a point but he knows I need help with this. Have you tried working on his self esteem instead of making him feel put on the spot? Maybe try counseling together or something that is positive.
For real having a "user" friend is emotionally draining and they know how to make you feel like crap if you don't act happy to serve and are working with a low self esteem issue already. How does your DH feel about the "user" friend deep down? Perhaps I'm reading into this too much or something bc this story seems all over the place and is leaving me a little confused. I hear resentment on your end but it also sounds like your DH is dammed either way.