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Step sarcasm

Terryific478's picture

Ok, today was a day of sarcasm in the house. Tommorow most of the steps will be here and I'm trying to figure a way to get out of the house. My stepdaughter is celebrating her birthday here..ugh! In the meantime, the kitchen sink broke today and hubby has no energy to do it. My oldest bio daughter has a problem with I don't like her being on it. Alas, she is 21 and informed me of that...geez, these girls. Do they think they are beyond danger these days? Anyhow, for anyone interested. Go to and look up Dateline specials, it was on Friday night. Gives you lots of good info. Ugh, I need a bubble bath...I'm just glad Dawn decided to do this. Where would us stepmoms be? My hubby drove my stepdaughter to work today. I was soo soo mad! After, I told her I would not be driving her, he took her. All because it was cold outside. No wonder she doesn't stop her crap. She knows. Well, I hope she doesn't ask me, got to stick to my guns. Anyhow, hope all the stepmoms are surviving the storms.


holeekrap789's picture

I am the mom of way too many kids---lol 3 of them use myspace regularly...I monitor them just as regularly! I copied your link and sent it to everyone I know and urged them to send it to everyone they know...hopefully with more knowledge and parental watching we can reduce the risks in great amounts. Thanx for giving us this link and being a concerned parent. God bless you

Lisa Dawn