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My Teenage Stepson is Ruining my Life

TB's picture

I am in my second marriage.  I have a 7 year old and 4 year old from first marriage.  My husband has a 20 yo, 17 yo, and 15 yo from first marriage.  We have married a little over a year.  His 20 yo daughter chose to live with her mother.  His 17 yo son and 15 yo son live with us most of the week, as do my children.  

My husband is sweet to a fault.  His children have been babied and enabled by him for most of their lives. Their mother also enables and is a toxic person in general.  She is hateful, mean, manipulative, passive aggressive, lazy, and constantly trying to sabatoge any good thing my husband has.  My husband “parents” out of guilt, fear, and denial and the impact of this is glaringly apparent, as now his kids can’t hold down jobs, perform household chores, maintain decent grades, or socialize/interact with people.  As an example: my 15 yo SS can not cut his own food.

Anytime I have tried to address this with my husband, he defends his kids and denies the behavior.  For the past several years, his 17 yo son has had many issues including selling drugs at school and was expelled for s month, dropping acid with a friend with autism (this resulted in police involvement), smoking pot at my house, doing drugs at his mother’s house, nearly failing all of his classes every quarter (and then saving himself at the last second), and numerous calls from the school principal as well as calls from other children’s parents. My husband defends all of this.  He never gives his son consequences.  Last week, the 17 yo and my 4 yo were play fighting.  Everyone was giggling and having fun and then all of sudden my 4 yo was shrieking.  The 17 yo bit my son’s bare arm so hard he left teeth marks, my son still has a bite mark shaped bruise 6 days later.  The 17 yo got angry at my son for crying, and then got angry with me when I calmly asked “what happened?”.  17 yo answer: “He bit me first”.  I asked to see his bitemark.  He tried to, but then realized there was no bite mark to show because my son play bit his leg over a pair of sweat pants.  I called my husband and told him to come home from store to address the issue.  Husband yelled at his son, and I yelled at him in front of his father.  His son got mad at me and his father for yelling, started rage screaming at me and his dad and then stormed out of the house.  After several days of screaming and crying after all of our kids had gone to their other parents’ houses, I told my husband his son is not allowed back in our house until the end of first quarter.  He has to have weekly counseling, anger management, clean drug tests, no calls from the cops,principals,teachers, or other kids parents, and pass all of his classes without all the drama of nearly failing every class.  My husband tearfully agreed, but defended his son the whole time.  My husband tried to get me to let his son live with us “while he got help”.  I refused.  Now my husband is getting some rat hole apartment so that he and his son can live there whenever his 17 yo actually decides to spend time with him.  Whenever the 17 yo is my with him, my husband will come home.  My life has turned into a waking nightmare because of this child, his toxic mother, and my husband’s refusal to accept the reality of his children.  Was my response reasonable?


fustratedintexas's picture

I can't even imagine this situation. Get yourself some therapy to deal with it all.  You can't expose the little ones to this situation. 

ntm's picture

against the big baby 17 year old. Do it before the bruise fades. Then get a restraining order against him on your son’s behalf. That will keep him from coming into your house as an option  

There is no excusing any of this kid’s behavior. Your DH needs as much help as his kid. 

TB's picture

When my husband explained to his son that my ex-husband could call DCFS and the cops because of the bite, stepson said that was stupid and asked why my ex husband would even do that.  That is when I started yelling.  And then he rage screamed and stormed out. 

New_to_this's picture

A 17 year old should know better than to bite back a 4 year old. The fact that he left a mark that is still there 6 days later would drive me crazy. I have the same type of DH- one that defends his problem child as his first defense. If I were you, I wouldn't let him back into the house. He's 17 and should be out of the house in one or two years anyway. But, I'm also dealing with a problem teenage SS, so I know that even though I would advise you to kick him out permanently, when something like this actually happens in my household (it's definitely a when and not an if), I may end up giving in to DH. But, I hope I stay strong and force him out permanently.

I think you are more than reasonable for only kicking him out for a quarter if he gets his act together. But, will you feel safe leaving your DS alone with him ever again?


SteppedOut's picture

Your #1 job as a parent is to protect your child. No man or woman is worth not doing that. Period. 

I am glad you have him the boot. Hold your ground. Biting a 4 year old? That "kid" is sick and really needs help. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Honestly, as long as it doesn't affect your finances- let them have the rat hole. I would make sure that whatever joint household money you have is not being cut short. Also, explain to your DH that while he is renting the apartment all dates or outings, etc will be paid "dutch". He has his kids and himself to pay for and you have yours. After a couple of- ooohhh... sorry you can't afford to go all because you won't discipline your son, sucks to be you - I bet he will get over that apartment fast. 

ItsGrowingOld's picture

It appears, as in most cases, your SS isn't ruining your life.  Your husband is by his lack of parenting.  You have the power to do something about it.  Please, do something now before another bad event happens. 


TB's picture

Agreed.  I laid it out for DH yesterday, explained what I have observed for the past three and a half years and gave concrete specific examples of his enabling.  I told him he has been clinging to a fantasy of blended family life and denying the reality of his children.  I told him between his ex-wife’s total lack of parenting and toxic behavior combined with his constant coddling and enabling, his 20 yo daughter won’t find a job, will never finish college (she went to three different colleges in two years, left the second one after two months, and is now taking online classes even though she tells everyone she’s “going to school”), the 17 yo son is becoming a sociopath, and the 15 yo son will get fired from any job he manages to get because even minor tasks confuse him.  

I am well aware that the issue started with my DH and his exwife’s lack of consequences.  With that, the kids are also getting too old to blame everyone else for their poor choices.  

I made it very clear where the fault lies.  I also told DH he needs counseling because he is an enabler.  He didn’t argue with anything I said, so it must be resonating at some level.  I’m not sure what else I can do.