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DH finally stood up for me...

tankh21's picture

So yesterday when I walked into the front door the first thing that came out of YSS's mouth was "Could I be more quiet when I leave for work in the morning because I woke him up when I left yesterday?" I just told him that he will have to get over it. No hello just telling me that crap when I just got off of work. I told DH that he needs to talk to his kid because I don't want to hear a 10 year old telling me to be more quiet in my own house because I woke him up on his summer vacation. He falls asleep on the couch when he should be sleeping in his own room in the first place. So DH told SS that he can't talk to adults like that and it was rude of him to say that to me and that he has his own bed and room to sleep in but he chooses to sleep on the couch so stop complaining about anyone in the house making too much noise and waking him up when he is on summer vacation and can go back to sleep. At least DH stood up for me this time. I honestly think that SS was saying that crap to me because he is vindictive. He was pissed off because "my dog" chewed on his HDMI cable to his xbox and I guess he couldn't play on it until my DH buys him a new one so he decided to take his frustration out on me yesterday since he couldn't take it out on the dog. I told DH it's not my fault the dog chewed up his HDMI cable and he can get over himself and wait until Friday when you buy him a new one. I am thinking OMG the kid is going to die because he can't play xbox for a couple of days!!!


tankh21's picture

I really could care less what it makes you and the fact that you admit that you are a troll is very sad!! Excuse me for being happy that my DH is making progress in finally parenting his kids.

tankh21's picture

You know I wonder Trollin why don't you have any blog entries and you just comment on other people's blogs or forum topics? You should enlighten us with your stories!!!

tankh21's picture

Look demon spawn people come here to vent and ask for advice and if you don't like it that is just too damn bad. Don't throw rocks in a glass house. You hide behind a computer and talk crap to people because you are miserable. You have a life!! That is too funny LMAO!!!

Cooooookies's picture

You have a life? Sitting behind your computer screen making comments to wind people a life? Flipping sad one.

skatermom's picture

Trollin - Unless you are a step parent, you couldn't possibly understand, why don't you go back under the bridge now?

Tuff Noogies's picture

ladies, trollin' actually has a point here... it's a sad commentary on step-life when the bar is lowered so far that a modicum of standard parenting is considered a victory, when in reality it's what he *should* have been doing all along.

tank - i'm super glad your dh had your back. maybe this is a start in the right direction??? it truly is sad that you've had to endure sub-standard parenting for so long, and i very much hope this might be the beginning of a new path forward for your dh holding HIMSELF to ha higher standard as a father and husband. baby steps! *fingers crossed for you*

Acratopotes's picture

:jawdrop: why is SS allowed to sleep on the couch?

Dh should make it very clear, 10pm all in their rooms and be quiet, holiday or not, you still need you sleep cause you still get up early for work, I do not tolerate people sleeping on my couch, simply, bedding can be washed every second day, the couch not...

tankh21's picture

DH has tried to make him sleep in his own room and he just sneaks out in the middle of the night when we are asleep regardless if DH takes the remotes away SS knows how to turn on the TV without them. This has been an ongoing struggle Acra. Like I said SS think the living room is his domain he will not leave it unless DH tells him to.

tankh21's picture

I guess we could. DH was unplugging the router to the internet so that he couldn't use the internet when we went to sleep.

skatermom's picture

Take the couch cushions and lock them in the trunk of your car before you go to bed, do this 2 nights in a row and the habit will be kicked.

Disneyfan's picture

Thank you Echo for posting what I'm thinking.

All of this PA crap is crazy. If you don't want the kid sleeping on you sofa, tell him to get his ass up and get in his bed. If dad or BM get angry, tell them to go to hell.

Acratopotes's picture

DH is not firm enough.....

fine SS10 you sneaked back to sleep on the coach, not gaming for you for the whole holidays... I'm sorry it's simply gross.... I actually made my kid hand scrubbed the whole living room set cause he dared sleeping on it one holiday during nights, now he knows... get tired, switch all off and go to bed.... or work like a slave the next day

DH can ban him from the living room...... your problem is not SS10 - it's your DH, cause SS10 already knows DH is only uttering words to keep your mouth shut cause his Daddy does not mean it

tankh21's picture

I guess I got excited for nothing....Yeah I didn't think about it that way. Thanks Acra

Acratopotes's picture

no no.. not for nothing Hon... DH is only starting to say these things now.....

it's up to you to teach DH to enforce the rules as well, it's easy to say if you do it again I will kick your ass....
kid knows it's not meant and all adults are happy, does not work....

Adult said if you do it again, I will kick your ass... kid does it again... ass kicking... not another warning

if you understand what I'm trying to say and it's up to you to ensure DH is following through

tankh21's picture

Yes I understand what you are trying to say. If the kid does something wrong there needs to be consequences behind it so that he learns not to do it again.

ESMOD's picture

Again, sounds like your DH needs to do something to prevent the kid from doing this. Take away the Xbox completely sounds about right as a consequence for sneaking out.

And.... I seriously hope you didn't literally tell the kid to "get over it".. without the explanation behind it.

I would have said.. Well, you were supposed to be in your bed, if you had, there wouldn't have been a problem would there?

tankh21's picture

I told him that he wouldn't get woke up if he was sleeping in his room and not the living room and that he can talk with his dad when he gets home from work about it.

skatermom's picture

Either that, or be especially LOUD in the morning, turn all lights on, TV on, slam pans around, he will be back in his room in no time

Acratopotes's picture

I hate noise.... I like quiet...

I simply take a spray bottle and spray the face and say - this is a living room, you have a sleeping room get

tankh21's picture

LOL yeah exactly. I wish I could sleep on the couch everyday and play video games all day and enjoy my childhood all over again. I was raised every differently than my skids were.

hereiam's picture

I agree. Yes, it's his kid but in my home, I don't let any kid disrespect me (or my home).

tankh21's picture

It was better for me to let his dad handle it because I have a lot of anger towards this kid for a lot of crap and I didn't want to lose it on the kid. If it was my kid I would've taken everything away until his mother came to pick him up in 2 days but, you know that punishment wouldn't have lasted because DH doesn't know how to parent. I guess it will just take some time. I do agree I probably should've done something but, I am trying to step back and let DH see his kid for who he really is.

ESMOD's picture

I agree too. Tank, you are the adult. That means you need to deal with disrespect directly with the offender. It also means you are going to need to be ADULT about how you do it.

You may have anger towards the child, but as an adult, you should still be able to control your emotions and respond in a rational manner.

SS "You woke me up"

Tank "Sorry Charlie, I'm an adult that needs to get up and go to work to pay bills. You are a kid on summer break. If you want more peace and quiet, you need to sleep in your own room... like you have been told a thousand times"

I had no problem addressing an issue with my SD's when it came to something that I felt was important.

"Girls, make your beds" "Bring your dirty dishes down from your bedroom" etc...

CLove's picture

I used to have a "caouch camping" problem, but SO and I together agreed that it was not going to happen, very early in the situation. Winona SD18, would stay up, and have her dirty food dishes (he lets them eat meals in the living room), and her tissues and her drink glasses, and clothing and blankets, all over the living room. We both said "no, not going to happen, go to your room to sleep".

So THAT does not happen.

Yes, make as much noise as you have to. DH must handle it, but you can also take steps forward. Why should lazy-a$$ SS sleep in while you go to work to put roof over his head, and put food in his mouth?

I have same issue - Winona does nothing to help. But wants to eat my food, so I stopped buying food - SO buys most food, and I make certain that she eats what HE buys.

But the "couch camping" is big deal. It might cost a few nights of interrupted sleep, but wake that kid up if he sneaks!

tankh21's picture

Yeah exactly I told DH this as well. I know this kid is going to grow up to be a self righteous brat.

Livingoutloud's picture

My DD wasn't ever allowed to sleep on a couch. That's crazy. Why is he allowed to sleep on a couch?

tankh21's picture

Because DH let these kids do whatever they wanted to before I came into the picture and not that I tell him I will not live like this in my own house or go out in public if his kid cannot behave. So it is DH's and BM's fault that they let their kids behave this way. Freaking Disney dad and a mother that is the kid's friend.