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Well FH took me today for my first exam, spine, post op..I did very well..Dr's said,they were successfulin fixing the problems in my spine. They cleared out all the dead,,ruptured discs and built up arthritis, and scar tissue from previous surgery 24 years ago.
My pain level has decreased now down to 4 and feeling so much beter. But I still have to wear the brace for 12-16 weeks yet and NOT do anything.(sigh)
FH received some bad news Sat. night. His Nephew( by marriage) died unexpectedly. So he was quite upset last night. I was glad he was in a better mood today after all the calls last night, and emotional upset. HE was only 35 yrs old.
So today.. After the Dr visit, FH took me for a nice Late breakfast, we talked, laughed, he was in a sweet, loving, mood today.
He said, he was so happy that they finally took care of the pain & back problems I've been experiencing for years...I feel like a NEW Woman. They said , by time the 12-16 weeks is over I should have NO pain at all and feel brand new.

Then the phone rang ( he was going to ignore it, because we don't take calls, while eating, but was his ex wife??? ) he looked at the phone & at me & said its "linda"???? Hmmmmm, he said, wonder what she wants??? she never calls!
She was calling to ask him if he would like to go (ride) with her & their daughters. Her nephew died Saturday night , unexpectedly. Cancer. NO one knew he as even sick.
Anyway they (3 daughters & EXW2 ) were all going to Dallas, a four hour drive one way, from their house. BUT they would stop and Pick him up ON THE WAY ( OUT OF THEIR WAY COMPLETELY)..LOL, so they could meet up with other relatives tonight.

He told her "NO" it was impossible, for him to go out of town overnight, due to work and I'm recovering. Plus said, he would not go without me, IF he planned on going. But it was too far/long for me to ride yet, due to my spine. So we're sending flowers and mass cards instead. But can't attend. Also said, that he was taking care of me, and took the day off from teaching to take me to the surgeons for my exam. And he just started back since Christmas break, & couldn't get the time off anyway. IT DID MAKE ME FEEL GOOD THAT HE CHOSE ME INSTEAD OF THEM.

A little while later (we had just left restaurant ) His phone rang again, This time it was the Oldest daughter ( The Ring Leader) I call her. LOL
Ring leader, back in the Fall.. before they knew he was involved with someone,(ME) was trying to get FH to go back with his EXwife 2, they have been divorced almost 13- years.

So she trys to get him to change his mind about driving with them, and said, they (SOMEONE)would come back WED morning. That they had plenty of room and were staying at the Aunt's house, and a Hotel and they had room for him too. He politely declined.
He has been wonderful through all of this, and so have all his children. So far RING LEADER is the only one..trying desperately to get daddy to talk to Mom.(exwife2)..I am surprised the other adult children haven't tried.

I have told him. I realize that he truly Loved "linda" then & if he still had any feeling for her and didn't really want the Divorce.... I would understand, if that was something he might consider again??? he said, NO NO NO... he was in Love with me & has been for many years and he would never give me up.
I know.. he was the one who filed. He tried for over 5 years to get her to go to alcohol Rehab...while married.. He had put her through several times before and none we successful for very long. I know he is very surprised that she has done this on her own this time. Maybe she thought she still had a chance?
And at that time NO ONE knew how involved we were. They did know he had a Girlfriend. And the children now know some of our plans. NOT ALL...LOL
So we had a very quiet, peaceful, nice day, lounging around the house , watching movies and took a nap and he gave me a shower & washed my hair , sweet,so sweet and gentle.
Tonight we talked about her & the children (28-37) age at dinner...he made me a wonderful T-Bone steak dinner with all the side dishes..God, he's a wonderful cook.
And we're hoping for the children's sake she doesn't start drinking again.( been 6 mos) She would devistate the kids again... So we said a prayer together, for her & the kids...and promised each other we would help if needed down the road. And do anything to support her in her endeavor. For the sake of the children and Grandchildren.
I haven't met "linda" but he seems to think we will get along well..I'm NOT sure if I want to meet her yet...Who knows...Maybe, I should.?? I do know in time..We will be at family affairs and I would rather meet her now or before that.. then in mixed company.
My daughters, son in laws and grand babies will be coming west this spring. I miss them, I certainly miss the new babies..and hear they are growing so fast now.
They will get to meet his entire family. First time for Easter break & then My youngest daughters wedding that they will attend.
This I look forward too. So far since Christmas, they are writing each other online...And seem interested in meeting ...time will tell.


Sus's picture


I asked the Dr the exact same Question, yesterday. And he said, takes a while to I will wait out the 12-16 weeks and pray..But I think its helped somewhat.

Yes "Ring leader" going to try pushing the Mom & Dad deal..I don't think she's going to give in, atleast not for a while.
FH knows her well and how she works..Nothing new. I think all kids even grown want their parents together. And she has met a few of dad's ladies. One he lived with that the daughter hated, well hell, they both hated each other.
I am a strong person. I believe I can handle her.I'll just wait it out & see...LOLOL Because "I'm NOT going any where"
Thanks, Again