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Why this is so difficult

strugglingSM's picture

I've been having a rough couple of days. There are things going on in my life (outside of being a SM) that are beyond my control, but are causing some major struggles, so all of my issues with being a stepmother have been bubbling to the surface and causing conflict between DH and I. I've honestly started thinking if taking on this stepmother thing was perhaps a bit more than I realized and I've been dealing with some serious regret.

In my mind, I've been trying to go through everything in my head to figure out why this feels so hard. My hope is that if I can articulate all these things, then maybe I can process through them and figure out how to bring some happiness into my life.

1) I feel like my life is not my own anymore. DH and I have moved to a home in the suburbs to be closer to his children (BM moved them farther away a few months after DH and I met). It's been a difficult transition. I'm now nearly an hour away from everything in my life and it's been difficult to establish a new life out here. My SSs are with us EOWE. When they are here, life stops. DH expects me to be around so we can all do things as "a family". If something comes up on his weekend with the kids and the kids aren't invited or can't go along, he doesn't want to go. I don't get invited to some parties anymore, because DH insisted on bringing SSs even though they were the only children there. He can't understand that people might not want to hang out with his children. I arrange everything around his schedule with the children, even when BM refuses to, throwing my whole schedule into chaos whenever she insists on changing DH's weekend at the last minute to accommodate her.

2) It's been a struggle for DH and I to build a relationship outside of his children. Before we were married (even before we were engaged, I think), I told him that for things to work for us was if he and I had part of our relationship that didn't involve his children. He loves to tell me that I have him 26 days of the month and his children are only around for 4 days a month, but when his children are not with us, he's either resting because he's tired or planning things to do with his children. When I've suggested things that we could do, he typically has an excuse for why he can't can't do the things I suggest (they cost too much, he's too sore and tired after a long day of work, he's just not interested). Every time DH plans something, a trip, an activity, a big purchase, it's always with his kids in mind. We went on a cruise (his choice) for our honeymoon and he spent the whole time talking about how much he wanted to take his kids on a cruise, he even booked one for them while we were still on our cruise (which I cancelled because we do not have the money for that). I know his children are a big part of his life, but I also expect our marriage to be a big part of our life.

3) My SSs are needy, immature, entitled, and unremarkable. I met my SSs when they were 9. They had moved beyond their "cute" stage, but DH still babied them, so they never quite moved into their "interesting" stage. When I first met them, DH would tuck them into bed at night, read them a picture book, and lie down with them until they fell asleep. The first time we all went away to DH's family cabin, he slept upstairs with his boys (who had turned 10 by that point) and I slept downstairs alone. Every weekend was a stream of activities, all of which required spending money. Nothing is ever enough, if they get one treat, they pout because they didn't get two. If we do one thing, they're angry when it ends that we couldn't do another thing. They don't do schoolwork and cry that "dad is being mean to us" when DH tells them they need to start working hard. When DH tries to set consequences for SSs not doing what they need to do, BM comes screaming at him that he's a terrible father and he's only trying to cause drama for her. So, they live in a world without consequences, where things are just given to them without even the most basic requirements. I'm not allowed to call DH out for bad behavior while they are around, because "conflict makes them nervous". DH also falls back into his old routines when they are around, making me feel like I don't exist or have no husband. One of my real challenges is that my SSs are not interesting, they're not fun, they're boring. I meet other kids sometimes and think, I wish my SSs were that funny or interesting or interested in things. Sometimes, if we push them, SSs will try things and discover that they have fun, but getting them to try anything is a challenge. It takes so much extra energy to try to build a relationship with children when I feel like I'm trying to cajole a reluctant farm animal over a small bridge with them. I used to text them and ask if they wanted help planning things for their dad or text them to ask them how their day went or text them when I saw something they might like. Mostly, I get crickets in response. I can't take it too personally, because their dad gets crickets in response, too, but man, it's hard to feel anything other than indifferent about them most of the time. All that said, I get along with them fine and when they're with us, they ask me questions or ask me for help when they need things, so I'm not terrible to them and have been helpful, but I've never been in a more thankless role.

4) My MIL is a bit of a meddler. DH's father died when he was in his early 20s. As the oldest son, he felt it was his responsibility to go home and take care of his mother. I think he resents his siblings sometimes because he feels as if they don't put "family first", but also resents his mother for expecting him to do things for her. DH married BM, in part, because his mother told him at the time (shortly after his father died) that he was at the age where he should be married. After DH got divorced, he could not afford a place large enough to stay with his children, so MIL let them stay with her when it was his visitation weekend. During that time, she took on the "mother" role for the kids while they were there and DH kind of took advantage of her. MIL also talks a lot to BM and has tried to tell DH what he should do around his conflicts with BM. For example, MIL tells him he should help her more with the kids (even though she knows DH has asked for more parenting time and BM has angrily refused) or that he should send her a mother's day present. She then wonders why DH tells her that she's always taking BM's side. MIL likes to "hint" at things we should do with the children or tell them what we should do with them (like take them on fancy trips, send them away to expensive camps, buy a boat because wouldn't it be fun for them to go out on a boat). DH has created this monster (and I've told him that) because (like all of his siblings) he takes advantage of MIL's help when he needs it, but then resents her meddling when he doesn't need help. I've told him that if you take advantage of her when it suits you, you have to put up with her feeling entitled to butt in when you don't need her. I felt like MIL was judging me a bit from the start, but still had a cordial relationship with her. However, she pushed me over the edge when she did two things: 1) tell DH, in front of me, that he should make his brother-in-law the executor of his will to make sure "your children get what's rightfully theirs"; 2) tell DH that she talked to BM and and BM convinced her that I was a big part of the problem between DH and BM. I know a lot of people have meddling MILs, but because my SSs are not my kids, I can't tell her to back off or I look like I'm just trying to exclude my SSs or prevent them from getting what should be theirs (and yes, I've been accused of both, before). DH's way to set boundaries with his mother is to either cut her off entirley or get in an angry fight with her like he's a teenager again. Then MIL complains that I never call her, so yeah, this feels like a no-win situation for me.

5) DH's family has been unwelcoming. I've only seen DH's brother and sister-in-law a handful of times, even though they live an hour away and come up to see other family and friends near us, all the time. I've talked to SIL once, where she seemed friendly enough, but then she made a comment about DH's divorce and about how DH doesn't call his sister (he does, his sister never answers). That was the first time she's talked to me and since she's primarily ignored me. She skipped all events related to our wedding, always with some excuse as to why she can't make it at the last minute (e.g. traffic was bad, her 5 year old was too tired, etc). She came to our wedding, but I don't think she said a word to me. She missed two birthday celebrations for me (that I didn't want, but which my MIL insisted upon), even one that was scheduled closer to her to make it easier for her family to attend. There have been family events which I really did not want to attend, but I made myself go, because I do not want to be like SIL. Their children did not come to our wedding and don't know who I am, even though I've been around for three years. For Christmas, we usually drive SSs down to see their cousins, but are always treated as if we're a burden because SIL hosts her family on Christmas, so she doesn't really want us around. I've asked DH if SIL was great friends with BM and he's said no. DH asked his brother if he had done something to offend SIL and his brother said no and gave him some lame story about how she was annoyed by something that didn't even make sense, but she was fine now. After that, SIL has been a little nicer, but she's still the ice queen. DH's sister is an "artist" who is currently getting another advanced degree in some esoteric subject. She's nearing 40, but MIL pays for *everything* for her. When she was home over Christmas, MIL was mad at DH because we did not take his sister with us when we went on a date to see the Nutcracker. We had bought four tickets for DH and I to take SSs to see the latest Star Wars movie on Christmas Day, but then MIL and his sister complained so much about "why didn't we get her a ticket", so I ended up taking SSs and DH's sister, while DH stayed home. I get along fine with his sister and have tried to reach out and build a relationship with her, but she's a flake and acts like a teenager when she's home, so that can be difficult to deal with. She's definitely MIL's favorite, so we all have to be very impressed by her...or at least, pretend we are. As if all of this would be bad enough, but it's made even worse by the fact that my family is across the country, so I rarely get to see them. My support network here consists of DH...him alone. Sometimes he's up for the challenge, sometimes he's not. Also, it drives me nuts that I have to manage another family's drama. My approach to drama is typically to walk away, but I can't totally shun DH's family.

6) Last, but certainly not least - BM is really crazy. She engaged in so much terrible, anti-social, criminal, emotionally abusive behavior when she was with DH that, that should be enough, but she saved some of her craziest behavior for me. When I first met her, I hopped out of the car with a smile on my face. She offered her hand as if she was the queen and introduced me to her "husband" (they are not legally married even though they tell everyone they are and had a ceremony). She then went on to reprimand DH about something. I could see DH cower in a way when he was around her (I've since found out that she was verbally and physically abusive to him). Later that evening, I asked him "why does BM hate you so much?" because her disdain for him was palpable. Shortly thereafter, she sent me a friend request on FB. No friendly note, just a request from someone who goes by a different last name on FB and whose profile picture did not include her face. I ignored it because I don't know her and I wasn't ready to invite her into my life. DH and I were not engaged at the time and she had barely acknowledged me during my one meeting with her. Little did I know that this would become a "thing". She kept asking DH, sometimes in tears, why I didn't accept her friend request (which she retracted about a week after she sent it because I did not accept it). Meanwhile, she continued to treat DH like dirt, send him texts about how he was a deadbeat dad, a loser, stupid, etc. She continued to call him daily to talk about her life. She continued to demand he take the kids at the last minute, to call him a deadbeat dad if he had plans and couldn't drop everything to accommodate her, to threaten to report him to child support enforcement if he didn't give her whatever extra money she wanted. Long story short, she did not encourage me that she was someone I should be inviting into my life. She then started coming after me. After DH and I got engaged, she sent an email to her family and DH's family saying that I wanted to take the children away from her on the holidays and that I wanted DH to move next door to her, so he could stop paying child support. She told DH that even though she could admit that her children enjoyed spending time with me "that doesn't mean she won't abuse children." Then, about six months after she sent me the FB friend request which I ignored, her sister had a heart attack. DH took her phone call (by that time, they had added a clause to their parenting plan that they only speak on the phone in emergencies), because he viewed this as an emergency. He asked her if her sister was ok, but instead of talking about her sister, she tearfully asked him *again* why I didn't accept her FB friend request. I told DH that her behavior was true insanity and why would she ever think that acting that needy and crazy would inspire me to be her friend. She then later sent DH an email about something else where she spent nearly the whole email talking about me and how when he met me she was happy because she figured she and I could be friends and I could manage communication for them because they don't communicate well and how she and I could volunteer together at SSs school. She was so upset that, that didn't happen. She called me aggressive, even though I was avoiding her. She only made me feel more confident that I had made the right decision. I've now totally frozen her out and have a very limited tolerance for her BS. Hearing her voice or seeing her face causes a visceral reaction in me.

I realize this is long and these things are - for the most part - outside of my control. I'm not necessarily looking for solutions, because I can't make these problems go away. I just think that one of the most challenging things as a SM has been making sure that I have appropriate expectations, that I'm setting and maintaining appropriate boundaries, and that I'm learning to accept things rather than let them drive me crazy. My first step in doing all these is naming all of those things that seem unfair, that have the potential to drive me crazy, and that legitimately make this whole SM thing very difficult. Naming them seems like the first step in accepting them and ultimately letting them go.


strugglingSM's picture

We went to counseling before we were married. It was helpful to a point, but DH just approached it as "I'll do whatever will make you happy, just let me know what will make you happy", so he wasn't the most reflective patient. I've thought about going to counseling by myself and have contacted a few counselors online, but have not heard back from any of them, so didn't pursue it any further. I'm going to start looking again, because I really think it would help me.

Yes, DH knows how I feel. He tries to be supportive, but he also gets defensive, particularly when I talk about how I don't enjoy being a stepmom or how his family makes me feel unwelcome. I try to balance letting him know when I'm really struggling vs keeping my mouth shut in some cases and picking my battles.

notasm3's picture

BM sent me a friend request when she first signed up to facebook. I denied it. I have no reason to ever be her friend online or IRL. I don't give a *(*( what she makes of it.

SourGrapes's picture

I can't really offer you any useful advice, but I can offer you a boatload of empathy because I face similar issues. SO's family absolutely sucks. BM sucks too, and is similar to your BM in that she immediately tells SO he's a rotten father if he doesn't give in to her every demand regarding scheduling, shuttling SD around, and shuttling SD's hats, jackets, rain boots, school uniform, umbrella, etc. around as well. As in texting him 30 minutes before she needs to bring SD to school that SD needs her raincoat that is at our house.

My MIL is in cahoots with BM, until she's not, and then she hates her, and then they're besties again.

The whole fam thinks SD is the second coming of Christ. She's a good kid, and I love her, but the way they all fawn over her is ridiculous. Two nights ago SO and BM went back and forth via text for 15 minutes discussing a bug bite. BM took pictures from multiple angles. SD has reactive skin. She's had mosquito bites the size of quarters before. SHE WILL LIVE.

Step life is trash, most days. I feel your pain. We're all here for you.

ESMOD's picture

I will respond to each point.

1. If he only has custody 4 days a month, it seems like uprooting two adults for those couple of weekends was probably not the best move. I don't blame you for feeling put out over being asked to do this. And,I guess the core issue on this one is that you should be able to do adult things when the kids aren't with him for his weekends. I don't agree with taking kids to adult parties in general and think that when he has his kids, that he should decline and allow you to go solo if you wish (I wouldn't but I'm not you.. I don't like going solo). Theoretically, if it's just 4 days a month, I personally wouldn't want to put them with a sitter either since he already has pretty limited time. I get an undercurrent though that you have a hard time planning because he allows BM to switch things up at the last minute. If this continues... HE can stay and care for them and you can go do something you want to do. Also, tell him that even in BIO families that they don't do every living thing as a group activity. Tell him that the purpose of his visitation with his kids is to spend time with his kids.. you are happy to allow him that freedom IF you get your due other times.

2. I wonder why this wasn't as apparent before you got married. I think I would tell him point blank that you feel like you don't matter when he is able to drum up energy, money and excitement for the 4 days the kids are with you but isn't very present with YOU the other 26 days and that hurts.

3. Welll... kids can be annoying. If it's only 4 days or so a month, I would probably try to grin and bear it. (and spend a bit of that weekend on myself not them).

4. With the MIL.. they also can be a pain. If you get flack when you deal with her and also when you don't... do what feels right. I would always be cordial, but I wouldn't go out of my way to interact with her. and... let sonny boy answer to her when she suggest stuff to you.. say... "well.. you can talk to DH about that I guess...."

5. The other distant relatives are actually a gift in disguise. Not all families will have the same close dynamic. Don't look there for a support network make yours from friends etc.. (which you should have time for during those custody weekends!)

6. Sounds like you are handling the BM thing well. disengage!

strugglingSM's picture

I appreciate all your comments and will only address #2. It should have been apparent from the start (because I was direct with DH and didn't mince words with him) and it's still something I'm pretty honest with DH about. I told him that even make time to take walks or cook dinner together would be a start. I've even reached the point where I've told him that I'm trying to figure out if my choice is to accept that he doesn't want to build a relationship with me or to leave. He tells me he does and he will, but then we're back at square one trying to make progress. I feel like addressing this point might push some of the other issues to the background. I've encouraged him to see a counselor on his own. He says he wants me to be happy and he wants to do whatever is needed to make me happy, but I need actions, not just words.

ESMOD's picture

I think this is probably the core issue. It's not even about the kids even though he is able to rouse just a bit of energy when it relates to them.

It's like you were a carnival prize and he worked really hard to get you and then once he had you he lost interest.

I understand that day to day life can't be all fireworks, roses and moonlit walks on the beach but there is a serious problem if he can't make you feel that you matter.

And... the "I will do whatever you want" is a cop out. He puts the burden of coming up with everything on YOU. Now, there is also the matter of you being specific with him on exactly WHAT you want from him. That might mean you need to schedule stuff during the week... like telling him. "Let's go to the park to walk after work"...or "I'm going to get some brochures for some vacation ideas for our anniversary and we can look over them tomorrow night". So, to be clear, you need to know what you want from him and tell him. If he was doing things before marriage and now doesn't... call him on that. Tell him that even something small like him bringing you your favorite candy bar home makes a difference... it's a sign he knows you and is thinking about you.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

It is all very sad.

Go home to your own family this year for the holidays. You need a break from the sadness.

Your DH needs to rebuild his confidence as a man...he sounds whipped by BM. Possibly depressed. How could he not be with all that crazy.
From his mom and BM and the whiny immature boys he has created.

You sound like you have a level head on your shoulders.

Do not put all your eggs in DHs basket. Go out and make a life for yourself. If living where you are is not working out...move back.

Do not let this sad life consume you.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Your DH wants to pretend that he didn't screw up when he chose to have children with BM. You are perfect in every other way except being the mother to his children, and instead of dealing with his own guilt on that, he'd rather shove you into the role of doting mother so he can have his perfect family.

Tell him no more. I did with my DH. I give him Friday nights and Sundays that the boys are over. Saturdays are MINE. If there is an activity that the three of them want to do that sounds enjoyable, I will participate. However, I will make my own plans and do my own thing if I so choose.

That doesn't solve all the issues, but it does with some. You need to feel free, and he needs to feel like a family. There is enough time to do both. Once he realizes that you won't just sit around and wait for him, he'll either get up and do things with you or you'll recognize just how much of a priority you aren't. It would hurt to realize that, but it is better to know where you stand in your relationship than continue to wonder and hide behind hope.

Steptococci's picture

Oh, so much of what you wrote is familiar... I could have written this. Literally. Parts word for word. My SD was 4 when I met her and we have her 50%, but the other dynamics were so similar it's eerie. DH and I are married 4 years and together for 6. We also now have two kids together who are 3 (DD) and 20 months (DS). I had no kids and was never married before.

but your story is similar down to the move to DH /BM's town, the spoiled stepkid being treated as the center of the universe, and rather one dimensional as a result, the expectation that for 50% of my life I would not do anything except entertain and cater to his child, the erratic parenting schedule and being entirely at BM's beck and call around it, DH having no spine to stand up for his time, DH having almost no motivation to plan adults-only getaways with me even when we didn't have SD for stretches of time, a meddling awful MiL, and my family being far away. My other in-laws are nicer than yours it seems, and BM may be slightly less crazy (not sure though!) in our case BM sure as hell didn't want to be my friend, like, ever. She just wanted to control everything and make DH miserable and make sure SD was her precious princess always. She wrote horrible demeaning emails and texts any time he contested anything for years.

So- I was approaching my breaking point this year, despite having children with this man and a family I now wish to protect. My resentment for DH, and BM, my god-awful MiL and even SD was making me lose sleep- I started browsing real estate and apartment ads in my spare time... meanwhile I still have a demanding career and have been handling 80-90% of the parental responsibilities for our 2 other kids, as well as trying to please DH by being this great, happy, wiling stepmom.

So I started wondering if I should see a therapist, if not counseling for both of us. We began seeing a marriage counselor about a month ago. It was a long time coming and she is wonderful. (Actually-side note- we had premarital counseling with our male minister- helpful but I feel like he often took my DH's side in certain ways, like he kind of told me that we didn't "have to talk about things" and "not everything in s marriage is worth discussing" in the midst of some major disagreements about his parenting style, his open boundaries with his ex, how to negotiate finances, etc) I think being told not to talk about it was the traditional approach to marriage where a "good wife" is basically one who does what husband wants, and doesn't complain? Anyway, it wasn't worthless but it didn't set down any good habits or help us resolve all the issues, obviously.)

In the first session, our current therapist heard a few of our issues, spoke with us for an hour or so and said to DH "your wife is the Queen in your home" and "you need to be the one to set boundaries with these people in your life, not her." This was in reference to my in-laws and how MiL has treated me during her visits, but it could've easily been about SD (who has miniwife tendencies) or BM who obviously just bullies DH into a corner, leading me to stand up for us and his parenting time and create fights with her. A stepmom is just such an easy scapegoat for all the family's problems.

I think DH was actually shocked to learn in that same visit that I don't feel respected as an adult in my home or a partner in the marriage when he allows everyone else's needs, wishes and opinions to be of greater importance than mine. At one point I was trying to connect with him recently after a rough patch and asked him, "DH what do YOU need to feel happier in our marriage and family life?" And he stopped and said, "I don't get to have needs. I have to think about yours and all these kids, so I just don't have any." And in the past that would've shut down the whole conversation- he loves to shut down conversations - but this time I said, "so you're a martyr? That's a cop out. Of course you have needs, you just down own up to them. We all have needs. But we revolve around what you want all the time and then you say you have no needs so you don't have to take any responsibility for your choices." And I reminded him that he chose me and this life as much as I chose him. He chose to have a kid with b**** BM and he also chose to have two more with me.

I think between the therapist's comments and me taking a more direct approach he's finally had his Come to Jesus moment. He's been much kinder, more open to my input, has been taking better care of himself lately, and actually paying attention to our little kids, not just doting on SD and playing competitive parenting with BM. In turn we are getting closer. So far so good. Marriage counseling seems to be money well spent so far. And I hear it's a lot cheaper than divorce...

Your husband sounds like he needs one of these talks too. Most likely from an objective 3rd party. I agree with the above poster that he may need to hear that you value yourself and more than you enjoy life with him and your step kids at this point, and maybe really fear losing you. I truly felt that I'd had enough of my husband and that if something didn't change I would rather spend time alone in my own company than a lifetime with him and some shell of myself,
Don't give up and definitely don't lose yourself in stepmotherhood. Your needs are as important as every other person in this family. Hope things get better soon!

Acratopotes's picture

I stopped reading at point 1.... why cause I know exactly how you are feeling. Been there...

All I'm going to say Hon, you are doing it to yourself, you are giving up on your life and dreams to accommodate your husband, and he's not doing anything to compromise.

Only you can change this. No therapist, not your husband , no one... only YOU.

Think about it, if you want to go to the movies and DH does not cause his snowflakes will miss out, then smile and go any way..... he can stay at home and miss out on a good time.
If he demands you stay put when his children are there to do family things, smile and say... Love we are not a family, I'm not their mother, they are not visiting me, they came to see their Dad, now spend time with your children, I will be fine, and still go and do what ever you wanted to do, there's no rule saying you have to be with them every time, you only join in when it's fun and something you like to do, if not, do something else.

It's very simple actually, there are 2 people in a relationship, not more then that.... ignore all the other people and keep them out, if you and DH are alone and he starts talking about the snow flakes, smile and say, not interested, this is our time, we do not talk about our relationship on their time...

I know it sounds harsh Hon, but think of yourself, DH only wants you there so he does not have to parent, cause you are the one making sure skids have something to eat, something to drink, dress nicely... see you are the parent, step back and let him take over, it's sort of disengaging from being the parent. You only look after yourself and yours.

Any In-law issues, tell them to butt out, it's not their relationship it's yours and if they don't like it, do not feel bad and ignore them....

If you make yourself happy and live your life, all the other nitty gritty problems will not be as huge and only then can you deal with those, but first priority is YOU!!!