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How to neutralize SKid manipulation on BM’s behalf?

strugglingSM's picture

I wanted to post this as a forum topic, but for some reason I wasn’t able to enter text. Looking for advice on how to neutralize and shut down efforts made by my SS to be BM’s mouthpiece.

Long story short - BM has “borderline tendencies”, but has not formally been diagnosed. DH limits communication with her. They use Our Family Wizard and he limits responses to clarifying / holding to the agreement and clarifying / revising schedules. BM makes additional attempts to connect in both positive and negative ways, but he typically ignores her. He is direct, but not rude. He is cordial to her when they spend time at the same events, which is rare since SSs don’t do much. BM has successfully meddled with DH’s family and regularly tells them how upset Skids are that she and DH “aren’t friendly” with one another and “don’t get along.” She has been begging DH to go to counseling with her (to do what, I don’t know). He has told her that he prefers parallel parenting and feels that is a good model for them to avoid drama.

Tonight, DH gets the following texts from SS13:

SS: Dad, I want you and mom to go to counseling with [name of counselor SS saw briefly]. I want the two of you to be on good terms. I want you to do this for Other SS and me.

DH: I’m sorry to hear that you are feeling badly. You don’t need to worry about my relationship with your mother, that is an adult issue, not a kid issue. Your mother and I both love you very much. Are you seeing counselor again? Would you like me to go to a session with you to discuss this?

SS: I just want you to be able to talk to one another and be friendly to one another. 

[Note - not sure where this is coming from since DH and BM have not been in the same place since November and how would SS know what DH and BM are talking about?]

DH: I understand that this might be confusing for you, but this is an adult issue and neither your mother nor I should be discussing our relationship with you. 

SS: I just really want you to go to counseling with mom.

At this point, DH stopped responding.

My DH is convinced that SS is not writing these texts. That BM is using SS’s phone to text DH. The only recent interactions BM and DH have had are BM sending DH a message about braces for the other SS and DH reminding her that at their last mediation BM agreed that she would cover 100% of all uninsured medical expenses in exchange for being allowed to deduct her health insurance costs in the child support calculation while still requiring DH to also provide health insurance. This led to angry accusations from her about DH and his lawyer “trying to break” her, when actually her lawyer added that language since she claims that she pays $675 a month just to insure SSs. Then she also sent a message about how she hoped DH would “do the right thing” by taking time off work to go to SSs’ weekday afternoon basketball games (DH ignored this one) while also again pleading to be friends. Neither of these should be issues discussed with either child. BM also accused DH of putting other SS “in the middle” by asking him if he’d talked to BM about switching his drop off time, when he asked DH to pick him up later, even though BM is in charge of drop off. BM oscillates between accusing DH of “putting the children in the middle” and arguing that she has to communicate with DH through the children because according to her, he doesn’t want to hear from her.

So, my question is, how does DH shut down this line of questioning from SS? It’s really none of SS’s business telling DH that he should go to counseling, but BM always allows this SS to decide things - like when he wants to come for visitation - and he and BM are enmeshed, so he doesn’t know where his own feelings end and where BM’s begin.

It’s really miserable to have a kid around who is constantly being BM’s mouthpiece...and constantly reporting back to BM every little thing that happens at our home. DH has already told him that if he doesn’t want to come to our house, that’s his choice (after BM made the claim that it was “traumatic” for SS to come to our home), but as soon as DH told SS that, BM told DH that he had no right to alter the visitation schedule without her permission. 


tog redux's picture

If is probably BM telling SS what to write. Either shut it down, "Sorry, kid this subject is off-limits", or just say, "Gotta go now, love you bye", or change the subject, "Hey, what about that game last night?"

Same approach he should use for BM (only nicer when he thinks it might be SS).  With BM, just ignore or broken record.

WalkOnBy's picture

I think your husband is handling it just fine.  Each inquiry by skid should be met with "hey, kiddo, it's all good.  This is an adult thing and the adults will handle it.  Love you" and then nothing more.  

hereiam's picture

Your DH has said what needed to be said about the subject, I would ignore any more communication about it and change the subject. If you DH really knew it was BM, he could just flat out ignore (I think it's BM, too). That is the problem with texting. Has SS ever said anything to DH about this, to his face?

If it keeps on (and he thinks it's BM), I think I would text back, "Let's talk about this in person, the next time I see you."

Siemprematahari's picture

I agree with HereIam I'd tell him "lets talk abot this inperson the next time we meet" and don't speak about it any further until SS visits. I think H is doing a great job with shutting it down and clearly stating his boundaries. BM is just being hard headed and refuses to comply. 

Simpleton21's picture

I like the other's suggestion of "lets talk about this in person the next time we meet".  I'm following this b/c we have the same issues with BM and we have thought before that it was actually BM texting and not SD.  I like that suggestion a lot.  If it is BM it will make her sweat a little (hopefully, lol).  Doubtful with nutjobs like this but it should shut it down at least.  IDK why these BMs think trying to force a friendship/relationship with their ex is a good idea.  You had your chance, you chose divorce, move on!  The manipulation of the children is the sad part.  

strugglingSM's picture

I've said to DH many times, "When BM says she wants you to be friends, what does she even mean?" Why can't it be enough for her to co-exist peacefully? Does she really just want DH to do whatever she wants for life because he was foolish enough to have children with her? She makes everything - even the simplest interactions - into some big drama fest. Does she see that as being friendly or "kind" (her latest thing)? I often wonder if this whole thing is a deflection tactic because her current relationship is falling apart. She used DH as emotional support for years after their divorce, even though she had a new man immediately after filing for divorce (likely before filing, but she denies that), so why can't he be her emotional support (probably because her version of emotional support is to berate and complain to the person in question and DH would silently listen and take her insults...maybe the current guy doesn't). 

She supposedly goes to a counselor herself, why isn't her counselor telling her to move on and not try to control her ex husband? Maybe she's not really seeing a counselor...maybe she's also lying to the counselor about the reality of her situation. 

Either way, I'm spending too much of my own mental time focused on this and I need to create walls to prevent her drama from poisoning my home. It's more difficult to do that when one SS repeatedly brings these things up to DH and repeatedly whines and cries at our home because BM is "checking in" on him regularly (i.e. multiple times a day) and asking him to talk to DH about things on her behalf. My way of setting a boundary there would be to avoid seeing SS, but I know I can't do that. 

shellpell's picture

My way of setting a boundary there would be to avoid seeing SS, but I know I can't do that. 

Why can't you do that?

strugglingSM's picture

I disengage from him for the most part, but he still comes to my house every other weekend, so I can't completely avoid him. I refuse to leave my house for those weekends, because it's my home, but I usually plan my own things.