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My own fault

Struggling stepmum's picture

Been a while. Since I last posted my H has been diagnosed with BPD, he has got me arrested for the boppit incident and completely destroyed my reputation in our not very big town. On the plus side I received only a caution due to the provocation. And I managed to get an interim custody order due to his mental health issues which means I get to stay in my home and he's not allowed to come near it. All temporary but it has given me some breathing space. I have been having a lot of counselling g hours. And am learning how I aided this situation. By reacting in anyway I fed the madness. The one time I hit him was my turning point. I was made to feel like a deliberate abuser. The counselling has made me see that I need to change my thinking as I will react like that again if hurt. Because that is what the abuse cycle does to you when you get sucked in. Anyway thanks for all your advice, I did take notice and I did do something. Thanks


Struggling stepmum's picture

Thank you all. My own Behaviour I have. It excused but his i can at least have some understanding for

SteelRose's picture

My xh has BPD and got me arrested and I lost custody of my kids and my home. It's good they saw through all of it before you lost everything b/c the judge did not see through everything before I lost everything. I had to get a job after being a sahm for 15 yrs and then after the house sold which my xh had to sell per our divorce agreement but he got to keep it for 2 years, I took money and hired the best attorney in town and got full custody of my kids!

Now 5 years later both DH and I have full custody of our kids and our exes are alcoholics and alone. hmmmmmm says a lot hey?

Keep doing what you are doing and stay steady and don't feel guilty or take the blame. You are doing marvelously!

nothinforya's picture

I had a nutjob BF some years ago who made me so crazy that I beat him with my sandal until the strap broke when he wouldn't get out of my house. I almost got arrested. It's a scary place to be to get that angry at someone. He was dangerous because he could push me that far. Now, my DH and I never exchange a cross word. So hang in there, there are kind sweet men out there who would never hurt you.