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SS10 ran off yesterday

Storm76's picture

So yesterday afternoon I'm happily sitting at work & I get a call from my OH to say SS10 has run off. BM caught him taking money from her purse so grounded him for a week, then she popped round the corner to get something from the shop, and when she came back him & his bike had gone.

Cue, leaving work early to help in the hunt - local park, where some of the kids had seen him & he'd said he was going to Toys R Us. She'd called the local police station so they could be on the look out for him, but thankfully he'd met a friend who convinced him to go back to their house. The friend's mum called the police who came and 'had a word' before dropping him home.

He's extremely chagrined at the moment, and his grounding has been extended, with the bike locked up completely!

However, we're taking him to see his grandparents this weekend, and we're not sure what to do in terms of the punishment whilst we're away. Running off is so serious that we don't want to ignore it & pretend it didn't happen, but on the other hand he sees his grandparents only every couple of months, they often plan little treats & outings, and we don't want him in a sulk all weekend.

What do you reckon? Do we stick to the terms of the grounding whilst we're away, forget about it completely or try and find some middle ground (and if so, where?)


Storm76's picture

Thanks Kat, I never got grounded myself, so it's all a bit new to me!

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"

NachoMama's picture

No kidding!!! That's the problem with kids....they don't get their asses busted enough! My mom didn't put me in time out! She whipped my ass!

****I can do bad all by myself****

Amazed's picture

Since vacation/holiday is such a uncommon thing these days bc everyone is always so busy working and going to school...we let the kids off grounding during the vacation time so we can all enjoy ourselves...then they go right back on grounded when we get home. Because really, when you punish your kids by taking away privileges and treats on vacation, you're really punishing the whole family because you all don't get to enjoy each other to the fullest.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

Storm76's picture

I think you might be right Barbie, it would ruin the weekend for his grandparents as well if we tried to stick to the grounding, perhaps we just need to say to him that it's suspended for the weekend because we're away, but an extra 3 days will be added on when he returns home.

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"