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Snow days! (mainly OT but gets to the point in the end!)

Storm76's picture

So, the UK is pretty much covered in snow at the moment, and as we so rarely get much more than a sprinkling everything is grinding to a halt as we can't cope. I walked to work yesterday to find out they were closing the office, and am at home again today.

My OH works about 25 miles away, and on Tuesday it took him 6 hours to get home as some of the roads were impassable & people had been abandoning their cars. He didn't get in yesterday - it was still snowing heavily and he didn't want to risk getting caught again. This morning he gets up at his normal time to see what it's like - it's stopped snowing but a heavy frost overnight means the fluffy snow is now pure ice & very slippery. He phoned his work who basically guilted him into trying to get there - it took an hour to get all the ice off his car & clear space around the wheels so he could get moving!

Anyway, BM phoned here looking for him - she told about how going to the corner shop had taken her ages as the pavements are so slippery, but had wanted OH to go round to see SS10 (about 20 minute walk normally!) I explained that his work had guilted him into going in, and said I wasn't happy about him having to drive in these conditions - none of the roads round here have been gritted & we don't have the equipment for heavy snow for our cars. Her response - "If anything happens to him I'm gonna sue his work" - WTF??? TO be honest I reckon she'd be quite ahppy if he copped it right now - he's still not written a will despite me reminding him several times, so she would get the house (fully paid off), life insurance etc and could just disappear with all the dosh. That woman thinks about nothing but money, and she's making me MAD!


RustyHalo's picture

I'm in Ohio and we have a snow day today. Actually, there's no snow on the ground yet, but it's coming. So all the schools closed to avoid an early dismissal. Our BM does not have cable TV and so FH has to call her in the mornings to give her the update on the school closing. BM goes to a bar 3+ days every week, yet she can't afford cable. FH says he does it "for the kids" so that they can sleep in, and my response is IF you didn't call her then maybe she would think about saving some of her bar money to get cable TV back in her house. BM should also consider what's best "for the kids." This stuff annoys me. But I am not allowed to have a say-so in this. Everybody bails out BM because she has kids. That's WHY she can spend her money in a bar - WE are allowing/enabling her to do this.

By the way, my FH changed his will and life insurance policy to include me and exclude BM, but I'm sure she is unaware of this and thinks she will "cash in" at his death.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**