The other side of cancer which is called remission - OT
Dh had his last chemo treatment yesterday. I did the usual, drive him there, go in to see doc with him, sit and wait for him to get hooked up to the drip, sip coffee and read a magazine while the nurse calls in or writes prescripts and has the doc sign them all, then I run to the pharmacy to drop off all prescrips, drive around and do a few errands while they're being filled, then go back and deal with well the insurance company won't fill this one so come back in two days, etc. Drive by Subway and pick up a 6" for DH with roast beef, light mayo, heavy mustard, lettuce and cheese. Pick up a McD's root beer and then go back to the clinic and give DH his lunch and talk with the lady who is sitting in the chair next to mine, make all the right sounds and noises and concerned groans and "prayin for ya" murmurs, and then DH is unhooked and waalaa, we head home and DH crashes in a sweat on the couch and watches movies all afternoon while I busy myself with yard work, house work and make supper and talk with bs15 etc. It all sounds so routine and boring and it is. But yesterday was not routine feeling, it felt heavenly for DH to be unhooked for the last time and we walked out of there with all the nurses wishing us well and we're wishing you wells, and we drove home in a bit of a high cloud and talked about our plans for life, it was all so surreal.
Anyways since I have mil coming this weekend I bought hanging baskets of petunias, and other things to make the kitchen nice like cupboard liners and such b/c she is anal about my kitchen looking nice. So today after I enjoy my coffee I am picking up bd19 and we are lining kitchen cupboards and washing down cabinets. Life goes on after chemo. It felt for awhile like we were stuck in cancer limbo but now DH can heal and hopefully soon start working and I can maybe take a bit more time off for me and we can raise the last two boys at home and have a nice empty nest syndrome happen to us!!
The feeling is so happy inside right now We have been through a lot and DH made it to the other side of cancer which is called remission.
- sterlingsilver's blog
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Congratulations This really
This really brought tears to my eyes; after having lost my mother to cancer when I was 16, I remember the doom and gloom of it all .. wishing day after day that we could just go back to "normal". It is truly inspiring to see people beat this dang disease into remission and return to a happier life
Sorry for your loss. Cancer
Sorry for your loss. Cancer doesn't run in my family so I have not dealt with this disease, only diabetes and strokes. So this has been a new experience for me to go through this with a loved one. Dh and I were talking about "normal" yesterday and since I have only known him for 4 1/2 years we are not sure if he's had cancer the whole time or not but he thinks he's had it for aout 5 years since his motorcycle accident. That happened just before I met him. He was recovering from that when we met and was working full time but then layed off and has not worked since then, so about 4 years, and we think he's been sick this whole time. So I don't even know his normal self and I'm looking forward to seeing it!
Wow....that is incredible.
Wow....that is incredible. Here is to both of your recoveries from this awful illness. Congratulations!
We started applying for early
We started applying for early disability retirement back when he was first diagnosed and we are still filling out paperwork
Long process but then we will have that income. I think DH will never really work a full time 8-5 job again so the ssi is going to be much needed. I will let you know how the scans go. Dh is a bit scared it might come back, of course we've heard everyone's horror story, just like when you miscarry everyone has miscarried. But we've also heard many good stories. I thought about 2 months ago when DH had a complication that he was not going to make it and I got scared. I am not fully "not scared" now but having gotten this far is nice! Here's to clear scans for our guys!
sending you happy thoughts
sending you happy thoughts too!
CONGRATS!!! That's awesome.
CONGRATS!!! That's awesome. I hope things continue down that path and God Bless you both!
Congrats and good luck
Congrats and good luck
Congrats. Hope all goes well
Congrats. Hope all goes well for you both.
Lol I will tell her that but
Lol I will tell her that but probably not in those words! I am papering the cupboards now, just a coffee break with bd19. My mom used to always clean my silverware tray every time she came to visit and it was funny b/c I would even test her by cleaning just before she'd arrive and sure enough she'd clean it anyhow. Maybe she was OCD about eating off of clean silverware?I never thought of this while she was alive but I really think my mom had a tiny bit of OCD going on b/c she would not allow dogs in her home, always cleaned anything to do with dishes or eating and the bathrooms were always spotless. Her toilet seat got replaced almost monthly! Hmmm, maybe I'm like her. Never thought of myself of having OCD until I met DH and his sons, they are so over the top messy that it's sort of created a new obsessive me!
Ok here's what I don't get, how could a woman like my mil raise a son like my DH who is so unaware of how messy he is. The worst is that he loves candy and candy wrappers are everywhere in this house, they plug my vacuum. I have FINALLY learned to not buy candy in wrappers so now DH pours them into a candy bowl, they last all of a couple days though but at least no wrappers. DH and ss16 are candy hogs.
Oh well back to cleaning and laying contact paper. It's fun and my cupboards look fab! The paper matches the counters!
That's great that he's done.
That's great that he's done. My sister just did her last chemo treatment and they just took the port out. Now she starts radiation.
congrats, sterling! ((hugs))
congrats, sterling! ((hugs)) and wishing you guys the best on the next phase of your lives!!