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LONG summer

sterlingsilver's picture

This has seemed like a long summer. I cannot wait for WEDNESDAY and school starting! SS15 should have been in football practice for the past couple of weeks but he broke a bone and doc hasn't signed off on him going back to practice yet. ARG. This kid is eating us out of house and home almost literally. I just wish his dead beat bm would pay her child support. My cs is going towards ss15 for school clothes and supplies this year. Makes me feel so resentful Sad


onebright1's picture

It certainly was a long summer!
My ex pays his support,so the only way I can relate there is that SO's ex doesnt pay for ANYthing skid related. And it certainly doesnt leave any $$ for us to do anything nice for each other or even go out with the kids or alone. I think this is why they (ex's) do it.
I made my own BS go to all the practices and games still when he broke his leg. Told him he was part of the team and had to go. period. Told him he could be water boy, equipment mngr, ankle taper, whatever. He went and that was his sophomore year. Last year was his senior year and he was awesome! Starting offensive lineman. So proud Smile