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i shoulda knocked on wood when I posted my last post about ss

sterlingsilver's picture

Yesterday ss16 asked dh to go with him to church this morning. I know it's Easter Sunday so I am being kind and just letting the feelings slide, but when I asked if they wanted me to go along dh said ss only wanted him to come. It stung a bit, even tho I probably would not have gone b/c my boys wanted to go out for Easter Breakfast which we're going to do in a couple minutes. It just stung, ya know...?


oldone's picture

Banning you from Easter church services is a pretty low blow. I could maybe understand a 4 or 5 year old saying something like that. But at 16? That's like a slap in the face.

fedup13's picture

^^THIS^^ He is excluding you to attempt to hurt you. What is worse is your DH's seemingly aloofness to it, SS only wanted him to go? Then DH should have put him in his place. That would have been what stung me more than anything. Sorry. Sad

Onefootout's picture

Agreed, nothing wrong with father son time. But church shouldn't be an exclusive activity. In fact holidays shouldn't ever be exclusive activities, unless it's agreed upon, IDK. I know what you mean, by the fact they could have at least invited you, even if you don't go. They can do father son bonding on another day, go to lunch, the range, whatever it is that they do.

My SS16 used to do this thing where if I made something like lasagna, his favorite, he would say to SO, Dad, we should make this together. Dad would say, well, Onefootout just made some. SS: Yeah, but dad, we should make some together. Whatever. 16 going on 5.

I would feel the same way you do, sterling. Enjoy your Easter Breakfast with the kids!

sterlingsilver's picture

We did enjoy our breakfast and they enjoyed their service. I could have gone to any church for a service, I'm like that, but if I had chosen to go to that church how awkward huh? I don't know, dh probably won't go with ss there again, he said it's more of a young peoples kind of church. We go to another church on an unregular basis that we enjoy more.

Oh as far as food is concerned we always have fondue for c.mas eve dinner, but it's not my family tradition, it's dh's family tradition, so ss16 thinks he's the only one who knows how to cut the meat. Well last year I cut the meat and he decided not to eat meat, just shrimp cuz he was all outta shape over me doing it for him. He mentioned to dh later that next year they'll get it done early while I'm at work ;P

Anyways, Happy Easter everyone!!!!!!