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SS and SD's bank accounts drained by BM.

SteppingUp's picture

DF still gets the bank statements for SS and SD's bank accounts. They set up an account for each of them when they were born, and DF's parents and grandparents put money in the accounts on their birthdays. Otherwise, the money just sits there. DF isn't sure how much total there was as SD just had a birthday...he remembers there being at least $500 in each account.

He happened to open up the most recent statement and both of their accounts now say $0. I feel like part of this is his fault because he should have known BM would do this, and he should have taken what was his side of the family's money out and started new accounts. On the other hand, what a crappy thing for BM to do.

Not sure how to bring that up to her as I'm sure she could have started a new account for them. OR she could easily lie to us and SAY that she did, if she just pocketed the money. What to do?


sadstepmom26's picture

One day I will never be surprised by the utter disgustingness of some of these BMs.

CrystalRE's picture

You could contact the bank and see who made the withdrawls. If DH's name is on the account they should share this information with him. The kids may have gotten permission from BM to use the money without DH knowing OR she could have taken it for personal use. Either way, the bank should be able to tell you. If she took it for personal use I would think you could have her ordered to pay it back?

SteppingUp's picture

The skids are 2 and 5 so I doubt they asked for permission to use the money Smile

I'll let him know to try to contact the bank.