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My good deed to help out SD last week backfired.

SteppingUp's picture

This is sort of funny but frustrating! Last week I posted about how BM wouldn't bring SD different shoes to wear (she wasn't wearing weather/school-appropriate shoes), and the consensus was (between you fellow step-talkers and my DF) that I would buy her some shoes and bring them to her at school so she could at least wear them for the rest of the day and have warm, dry feet.

I took an 1/2 hour PTO with my lunch so I could do this. I dropped them off at kindergarten office with a note with her name on them and the teacher's name, explaining to the secretary. We called after-school daycare and asked her to KEEP the shoes at daycare (so they wouldn't get lost at BM's again).

We picked up SD yesterday and asked where the shoes were, and here's the story we got:

SD didn't know who's shoes they were because she had never seen them before. So she didn't put them on, just put them in her backpack. So she took them home, then showed them to BM who said she never saw them either. So BM made her take them back to school and give them back to her teacher to tell her that they weren't her shoes. Daycare never even saw the shoes so I'm sure she didn't even remember or thought we didn't get them to her after all.

GAHHHHHH! Talk about a run-around! I guess this could have been avoided if DF would have just told BM that we were getting her some shoes to wear...or if I had just gone to SD's classroom and explained to the teacher (but I didn't want to interrupt class!).

Lesson learned.... I guess!


SteppingUp's picture

Yeah I asked her if they fit and she said, "I don't know! I never even put them on!" Smile Not to mention I had picked up a pair of cute socks and stuffed them in there too... *Sigh*

SteppingUp's picture

Well, we won't see SD until next Wednesday. I'm sure they'll end up at BM's because SD will ask her teacher for the shoes. Unless by some miracle daycare remembers and tells her to keep them there...