And Facebook is the truth-revealer again!
At first I thought that when we discovered that BM's Facebook settings weren't private that we'd have a hard time finding solid evidence against her on it...but boy were we wrong! On a weekly basis we have been catching her lies, finding evidence of her constant use of babysitters on her nights with the kids, and inappropriate behavior.
Oh BM, let me count the ways...
1. 30 minutes before we are to drop off the kids, BM calls us asking if we could keep them overnight because she has the flu. DF says we had plans already and asks why she didn't give us more notice. Something about her excuse-making didn't make sense to my DF, and he tries to call her out on what he believed was a hangover-induced flu. She beats around the bush for awhile and says that she went to a buffet dinner with her parents the night before and was feeling sick then and it's gotten worse. I'm not sure how the rest of the conversation went but somehow she ended up taking the kids anyway. We checked up on her Facebook and her status was, "Had a great night at the casino with my girlies! *What happens at the casino, stays at the casino!*" NO mention of the flu...
2. DF calls BM to ask her if she'll make an appointment for SS2 for his annual well-child exam and to bring up some of the concerns about his speech development and equillibrium testing. A week later, no word on it so he asks her. She says she got a promotion at her job so she's been really busy and hasn't had time. Okay, good for you. On Facebook, she wrote about how she has an INTERVIEW coming up for the DF in another conversation with her asks her about it again. She admits that she lied and wouldn't respond to anymore of his questions about it. Why lie? Especially when you are using it as an excuse for not doing something for the kids? GRRRRR!
3. Constant pictures uploaded of nights out on the town and completely inapproprate ones, at that. Making out with strangers, making out with four people at once, lying on the bar floor, boobs out everywhere, completely wasted. Okay, she can do what she wants on her own time but at some point isn't this completely inappropriate, especially after we put dates together and realize she had the kids those nights? And there are comments saying that she had a babysitter that night or they were at grandma's that night? I'm no prude but this seems ridiculous to be happening on a weekly basis. She has custody half the time and isn't even with the kids for half of HER time!
4. She asked us to take the kids one night for a few hours because she said she'd be donating plasma (because of course, she's so broke...) yet there were comments all day on FB about how she can't wait to get her hair done and a pedicure that night!
I know this all sounds obsessive and that some of you will probably want to tell me so...that's okay, I can handle it. But it's getting to the point where we can't stop now because she is constantly getting herself caught in lies, and they all have something to do with her pawning off the kids so she doesn't have to spend time with them. We are documenting everything and printing her pages as we see things...I guess I just wanted to vent!! Sorry for the long read!
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I know! Mine is on complete
I know! Mine is on complete lock down. She's so stupid for letting it all out there...especially when you have pictures like that. I want to send those pictures to her boss or something to be like, you see the scum you have working for you?? HAHA!
our BM lies this much...i
our BM lies this much...i only wish we could see her FB to catch most of them. it would be so much easier.
we have all sorts of stuff on
we have all sorts of stuff on bm from facebook, too.. can it be used in court??
I believe it can be used in
I believe it can be used in court. If you have access to it, there's no reason it couldn't be. It can't be assumed it's private information if they post it on the internet.
We're hoping we can use it in
We're hoping we can use it in court, too. If it's out there, it's free game in my opinion! I think it'd be hard to nail some of it down because you could easily twist things to make the meanings go in either way...I think that'd be the hardest part which is why we aren't solely relying on Facebook stuff.
"What happens at the casino,
"What happens at the casino, stays at the casino!"
LMAO! Not if you post it on FB.
I watch BM's FB too...through SS's account. He doesn't know, but I guessed his password.
She asked me, last week to post our wedding pics so the skids could see them. Of course, I already had them posted, but I have everything on my page set to "Friends Only". I didn't have a problem with the skids seeing the pics. I was kind of surprised she asked, even if it was just to be nosey. So, I set that album to public for a few hours. She said they were looking at them right after I let her know they were up, so I changed them back to private about 3 hours later. She messaged me the following morning, "Why did u block your pics again? SD wanted to see them..... U guys do a lot of things I don't understand?" My reply was, "I thought you had all looked at them. I'll put them back up. There was nothing personal behind me blocking the pics. I've always had them set to where friends can see them...same as a lot of people on Facebook do."
The first thing I laughed at was that she was asking me that she didn't understand. It reminded me of Ron Burgundy reading the teleprompter in "Anchorman" when they mistyped his closing line as "I'm Ron Burgundy?"
The second thing was how can she say she doesn't understand me blocking our pics? Her & both skids have theirs private. Why would it be so crazy for me to do the same thing?
Her method of reason bewilders me.
Maybe that was her way of
Maybe that was her way of wanting you to add her as a friend????

Nah, I sent a request, & told
Nah, I sent a request, & told her I would understand if she chose not to accept, but that I wanted to extend the request. (That's the kind of stuff that irks her, because it goes above & beyond what she could ever bring herself to do.). She chose not to accept, as did both kids. I debated whether or not to keep the pics of their dad public so they could see them whenever they wanted. I figured if they didn't care enough to be our friends, & didn't have the sense to save them to their own computers they don't need the pics. I have them all private again.
FB is a GREAT tool
FB is a GREAT tool sometimes!! I am right there with you!! I have caught PsychoSponge is countless lies....all by going on FB and looking her up. I know she is confused as to how I am doing this because she is blocked from mine and DH's. Little does the idiot know that I have her son's password and can get on her FB from his! She is one of those that NEVER has her kids on the weekends! It truly burns me up....we have him EOW...but the weekends that she is supposed to have him....OFF she pawns him on whoever she can. Then of course she will post all over there wall how grateful she is that they watched him for the weekend. But if we have plans and find a sitter for him...she flips her lid. She is a real POS...all she does is party...she draws unemployment...and she's usually all "woe is me" on her FB. I have to laugh at it most days!!!
Yes we are in the same boat.
Yes we are in the same boat. We are completely disgusted that she has the kids half the time yet ships them off to anywhere and to anyone so that she can go out. Then she plays the pity party that she doesn't want to discipline the kids ever because she barely gets to see them so she doesn't want to be the "bad guy". BS!
DH has also seen his
DH has also seen his daughter's lies on myspace...although after the talk a few weeks ago where she asked for money for "school clothes" (at the end of the year...sure) and he told her "she had plenty since she barely attended school", she took it down and we haven't found a new one yet...funny thing is, he found out about school through the school website he has access to, not myspace...hehe
But we do also have lots on her sister talking about her cell phone, a concert her mom promised her and all their other "fun" stuff, while his daughter says to him she "needs school clothes because her mom has two other kids to support!" I mean, if you can't buy school clothes and basics for the daughter who receives close to 600 a month for in cs, while you live rent free in a house that pays 275usd a month in mortgage, your daughters shouldn't have cell phones, laptops, iPods, getting their hair and nails done at a salon, going to concerts while they have no school clothes!
Ugh, I'm scared for when SD5
Ugh, I'm scared for when SD5 is old enough to be on those sites...just pray she won't be as stupid as her mother about it!
check this out:
check this out: