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I could just cry

stepmonster2's picture

I met my husband about 6 years ago, in fact our anniversary is this Halloween 5 years. He had a son from another girl, they were never married. My husband was a pretty messed up guy when we met, in an out of jail and not responsible at all. He was pretty much in jail the first 2 years of his son's life. His girlfriend wasn't anything to write home about either. That is when we met, he moved in as a roomate. I needed help with bills. A month or two later we got together. Over night basically I drove him to the ex's house to pick up his was weird I never was in a long relationship before, and all of a sudden I am living with a guy who has a kid and a total crazy B*ch ex! Well long story short flash forward to last year. His ex is Bi-polar, she apparently has been abusing drugs, drinking, and running a meth lab out of her mothers home where she lived, then she tried to commit suicide 3 different times, ended up in the looney bin 5 times within two months. We filed an emergancy hearing in court and well it took a year. But we won custody, well primary placement. So the roles have reversed. She used to have primary placement, and my husband paid childsupport and she would mess with us all the time, changing our visitation, to we couldn't have him because she had plans. Now the reason she got away with it, well honestly it seems that the courts really dump on men. They don't think men can be anything than a sperm donor. The treated him like crap when he tried to talk to child support about what has been going on. and Now that the roles have reversed they have done nothing to help him either. Starting with child protective services. I know I shouldn't involve myself in anyway...but he is my family he is my love and I hate to see him get screwed so I called and called and called child protective services about doing "something" anything, just listen! This was an unstable environment for the ss. It was obvious and well documented with the cops. After hours on the phone someone actually listened. They started a chips potition but I am not even sure what that is exactly. Then they gave us the ss, he was with us all the time now because she was in the looney bin. She called the house daily, (I recorded it) she talked like she was so doped up you couldn't understand her, she lied over and over to the ss. He has seen so much. The first time she went to the nuthouse the cops found her curled up in a closet and the kid was sitting in the room crying in only underware. He was about 6-7 at that time. Unreal. Anyway I could go on and on. But after we went to court, she didn't fight a thing. But now she is to pay child support, and we haven't seen a dime. She is suppose to pay 1/2 of the difference since I added him to our insurance plan. We haven't seen a dime. and yet we are suppose to drive him to her house and she drops him off. it just doesn't seem fair. She is getting away with everything she gets to see him during her set visits and yet she doesn't need to help us in any way. I am not saying that we are broke or anything but any little bit would help. I hate the fact I spend my hard earned money to support her son and she doesn't even have to get a job! She can take him out to eat every time she has him (she doesn't know how to cook?) she can buy him video games every week (which she does) and yet I am forking out 25 dollars every 3 weeks for hot lunch for school. When she had him she was on welfare so that is why my husband couldn't be late or miss any child support payments but because we are hard working middle class people who HAVE JOBS she doesn't have to work? She doesn't have to buy school clothes? she doesn't have to help pay for lunches for him or daycare when there is no school? it makes me crazy! I hate her so much and I find myself taking out on ss. it isn't his fault and I don't dare say anything bad about her to him, but I know for a fact she talks about me all the time. I stole his dad! (I didn't) she is so messed up on her bipolarness and her meds and we have it written in the court papers if we feel she is being unstable we can pull visits but that would require us to pay for another lawyer that we can't afford. Oh yeah she got a lawyer by saying that she was in a domestic abused relationship with my husband, she got a lawyer for FREE because she lied! NICE. YEP and the state is giving her money every month and she lives with her mother who also lives off the state and her little brother who was dealing meth out of the home last year. How is this right? Where are my husbands rights? Who can fight for him?? I swear some days I don't want to go home. I want to keep driving. I didn't sign up for this did I? I love my husband so much, but lately I can't stand our situation. I hate the fact I have to share the rest of my life with this nutjob! and her kid who hates me, doesn't respect me, lies to me. Lies to his dad, and dad doesn't seem to care and doesn't disapline because he doesn't want to upset him. When does the babying stop?


Chocoholic's picture

I'm sorry for how you are feeling.... but yes, you did sign up for it.... you know that TINY writing at the bottom of the marriage contract.... the writing that you couldn't quite make out?? It was there....

Your BM sounds a lot like ours (but yours sounds even a bit worse!)

The situation is EXTREMELY frustrating.... you really have to step back and try to not let this woman get to you.... She'll get hers... what goes around comes around... if not sooner than later.

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people ever have is when they take a bite out of you."

Riley's picture

Chocoholic is right. My skids BM NEVER helped us financially. For over 10 years she never helped us out. Oh wait, she sent them underwear one year for Christmas.

They were on my insurance, which of course meant less cash at home, because work would take out for coverage of more than just me and hubby. ARGH! Did BM help? Nope.

Even when the skids would go visit her, she would have them call us to send them money, because like your BM, she doesn't cook. So they'd be there without money, or so we thought, until we said "No." The kids are with you, you pay for them.

It was a constant financial struggle for us. And you know what? The kids love and adore her and think she's the best mom ever. Only the REAL adults in the family know the truth. Fortunately my hubby always made it clear to them who was providing for them and who wasn't.

Now that the skids are "grown" (that's debatable) they voice they're appreciation for me, but the reality is they have a mother and no one will replace that.

Result: Step-momming is a pretty thankless job.

GoneCrazy's picture

You know, this is getting quite ridiculous, how our DH are getting shafted, you hear about how these dad's do nothing for there kids, but when a DAD tries to do what he needs to do to care for his child, the courts put him through the ringer, while the drug infested BM can keep living her life like she is not hurting anyone.
I agree with Riley and Chocoholic, unfortunatly we did sign up for all this and all we can do is the best that we can.

stepmonster2's picture

Thank you all for your comments. It sure is nice to not be alone! Every situation is different for almost everyone. My sister has a daughter from an ex boyfriend, and boy it was a rocky road when he got a new girlfriend and I don't know if any of you have ever heard this before but My sister, and her daughters SS are like BEST FRIENDS I really really think they need to go on Oprah (thats my joke:)) But sometimes I think I get a bit jelious because they have the co-parenting thing down so well and they all get a long so well and you wouldn't even believe, my neices SD hangs with the BD and the SS hangs with the BM- its really really strange, they party together they do school functions. very weird. I wish the BM in my situation would at least give an effort! I wish the court system could see how we are struggling. I wish someone gave a darn! I did sign up for this I guess. and yeah the marriage thing....well I always said that I would never get involved with anyone with a kid because I didn't want to be a SM! But then I fell in love. I have a SM-I actually call her my step monster! (hence my log on:)) She is a terrible step mom-and to be one I can see what NOT to do with my ss. I guess my biggest fear is that when my ss is in his 30's he would be writting in a blog about how he hates his sm:( I don't want that. I know my ss has suffered but at the same time she was lucky as my BM died when I was a little girl she didn't have to deal with all the stuff I am dealing with! She expects me to call her mom to this day I am 33 years old and she wants me to call her mom. I am sorry but I will never instruct my ss to call me mom. I am not his mom! I am the SM! I am a good SM and I know he is so smart some day he will realize it! I hope.
This maybe a thankless job and from time to time I have thanked my own SM but I never want my SS to feel like she has made me feel and because my hubby and I will never have our own kids I think I am in the clear on that!

natem's picture

yeah your sister has got it made Smile you just forgot to add the fact that she has sd's too and that that side of it isn't so rosy! Weds night and where am I? the place to vent about your stepkids