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SD thinks she will still have visitation as an adult

stepmomof1biomomof1's picture

SD is 14 right now. In less that 3 1/2 years she will be an adult (18). This weekend she mentioned that she will still be coming EOW when she is an adult. I told her that it doesn't work that way. Once she graduates she will be expected to have a job and have her own life. I told her that she would be welcome to come over for lunch lol. But for real...what happens when step kids are adults? When does visitation end? 


lieutenant_dad's picture

My mom and SF converted my bedroom into a guest room as soon as I went to college. I stayed with them over breaks and some weekends until I got my own place near campus.

I stopped overnight visits with my dad when I was 17, partly because I had a job on weelends and partly because my dad had a rotsting schedule that made it where he had very few overnights to begin with.

ESMOD's picture

How long a child lives with their parents can vary for a variety of reasons.  I think that typically the kid is launched when they are either out of HS and are employed (or shortly therafter) or after they graduate from college.. etc.. The parents may/may not leave a room available for visits depending upon factors like size of their home and relative needs of other residents of that home.

After she turns 18, the relationship is no longer "visitation" she is either off to school or work.. if you and her dad are able to have her back home for session breaks.. or other visits that's fine, and... it may even be that you decide if she is employed that she can stay longer to save money.. but that's up to the adults.. not dictated by her.

secret's picture

Interesting.... If my kids want to still come over when they're 18, fine... but they'll be signing a tenant agreement just like any other adult that would be living anywhere....

Harry's picture

Talking about a 14 yo. “Kid”. Yes, Kid not an adult. What she saids now has no impact on how she will feel at 18 or 22.  As all kids, as lifes involves, things change. If she goes to collage, living on her own,  Life looks different.  Can stay out late, meets BF, he can sleep over. Not wanting her parents telling her what to do.  So they move out and start a life of there own. Like we all did.   Just hope that you did your job in teaching them, to be a adult, how to handle things as a adult, Have to clean your apartment, do wash, cook, get a job, actually show up and work ect. It like a 6 yo wanting to married his mother. That how a six year old thinks.  This is how a 14 yo thinks, She afraid of change, not knowing where her life is going, 

 and hope you instill in them what the right thing to do, and hope they do it

Blue Moon's picture

My SD will turn 18 in a few months, but the divorce agreement states that she will be supported by her parents until 25 as long as she's a student. So my SO and BM will have shared custody unless and until SD decides to go live on her own. We live in a large city with many universities, so she won't be going away to college.*sad*

Maxwell09's picture

At her age, the concept of future thought or forward plans just don’t click yet. At that age they still have a romantic idea about life and some never do get hit with reality if their parents shelter them enough. The kid doesn’t understand being responsible for herself, she probably doesn’t have a clue that at 18 her bills will need to be paid by her own income, her toilet paper will be bought from her own weekly budget, etc. At this age she has big dreams and generalizations…it’ll all fade soon enough; hopefully her parents are helping her rise to the occasion. 

oneoffour's picture

She has this TVLand illusion about being a grown up and she will work it out. Why not work at making her independent? Or you could just tell her having her around forever is wonderful because the house rules just don't change at all. Curfew, wifi access. etc

hereiam's picture

At this point, I wouldn't even worry about it. My SD stopped coming over for visitation when she was 16. Anything can happen between now and when your SD turns 18.




elkclan's picture

I live in one of the tightest housing markets in the Western World. We have three kids between us. I just have to hope that we end up with no more than one at a time living with us as adults. Our kids are only 12,11,9 now - but we are about to buy a house together and we were already planning for adult children living with us. It's super common here. HOWEVER - my house, my rules - and everyone has to pay (below market) rent. My SO wanted to charge them market rent. Ha ha.