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Much needed vacation

Stepmomed's picture

I wish I could get away from everyone and be left alone for a whole month. I wish I could just quit my job it sucks!!!!!!!!


furkidsforme's picture

As someone with employees, I can only say 2 things-

#1- If you hate your job, become part of the change you wish to see rather than a whiner. Really sit down and think about what you could make better. If you can't come up with a solid solution, then take your lumps. No industry is perfect. If you can, then do your part to be a better employee. It's how you get to where you want to be.
#2- If you aren't the kind of person who can do #1, then do everyone a favor and quit. You probably think you are the best worker there, but the reality is if you aren't a #1 type employee, then you are the weakest link.

Stepmomed's picture

I'm just burnt out I never said I was the best I know I'm not. When your job get bought out and you get a $800 paycut I'm sure you'd be frustrated too. I might just go work for my friend making $20 an hour.

uofarkchick's picture

I did call center jobs for a long time. It may seem like you're stuck but there are a lot of options for people that are good at problem solving and customer care. If you want off the phones, retail is okay but if you don't mind being on the phone, entry level IT is a really good option. A lot of the troubleshooting tech work is done over the phone and some places don't require a degree. I went from doing call center work to being an assistant at a logistics company and steadily moved up the ranks and now work for one of the country's largest transportation networks.
Some call centers I worked at didn't really have a lot of other positions besides management. Maybe they have something open in HR or training?

notasm3's picture

I've had two jobs where I wanted to go jump off a bridge. Neither were because of the job itself. Both were because of having bosses who were worthless disgusting psychopaths.

I've never hit anyone in my entire life - so I harbored no thoughts of violence towards them. But I used to say that if either one was writhing in pain, dying on the sidewalk I could easily just step over them and go on my way. Leaving them to die in pain would not cause me to blink. To this day (20 and 30 years later) I do not know what is going on in their lives - but I expect that it is not good. Toxic aholes don't often have "happy happy" personal lives.

In both cases reorganizations within the company saved me - two different companies a decade apart. But the most important lesson that I learned afterwards was that my ONLY career objective was not to hate to go to work each day.

TwoOfUs's picture

I need a vacation, too. Worst thing = when I get a vacation, skids are freaking here.'s not really a vacation. Thinking about going away just me...