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stepmom99's Blog

Enough is Enough!!!

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Have finally told DH that I do not like his 15 year old daughter. Had a big blow up yesterday because she thinks she rules the roost. She has no respect for me or my 3 biological children. She is snotty and I am accused of saying things that really I don't say and for ruining her relationship with her boyfrind (who she has only met 1 time), because I make her turn her cell phone off at 9:00 Sunday thru Friday and for making her get an F in PE because I said she couldn't dry her uniform. During the blowup, I told her she could pack her crap and get out.

Can't handle it anymore!!!

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My husband and I have been together for almost 13 years. We have a 9,6 & 3 year old together and he has a daughter who will be 15 in 1 1/2 months. I cannot stand my SD who has lived with us for the last 3 years. Her BM and SDad, along with their 3 children live in another state. She argues all the time with my children and has even left marks on my 6 year old when she either pushed her or drug her out of her room. She is lazy, sneeky and thinks she has it all. She is very developed for her age and likes to walk around in tank tops with them almost hanging out.