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Need to vent

stepmom1234's picture

I have a step daughter she is 6 she is such a brat! Lastnight she asked me for a snack i say you can have ice cream or a brownie,she picked ice cream then i said dont ask for a brownie later,she says ok. Then when my husband comes home hes not in the door 5 min shes telling him i wont give her a brownie,i explained to him what i told her and he told her no,then she keeps throwing a fit(worse then a 2 yr old)and just to shut her up he gave her one and she looks at me and gives me the evilest face i just wanted to punch her..then we say time for bed and she says i want a brownie we both say no well she flips out again and he gave her one and she went to bed. Then i look at him and say are you freaking serious? This is why shes a fucken brat and dont listen to me cause you give her anything she wants to just shut her up.. I have to put up with her all day back talking me,making faces at me not listening to me and you come home and give her anything she wants,god i cnt stand this child


LittlePanda's picture

You need to punch your idiot husband. If mine ever pulled something like that I would! He is the DIRECT REASON that the little brat is a little brat. She has learned that if she acts like a little shit DADDDDDDY will give her what she wants. I cannot believe that your husband 1. gave her a brownie after she had already had ice cream. 2. Gave her a brownie after you had already said no! Way to make you look like absolutely NOTHING in this child's eys. He may as well have pushed you to the floor and told her to spit on you. 3. That he gave her ANOTHER brownie before bed just to shut the little brat up! WOW!!! If I were you I would be a real bitch until he fixes every one of these things and all of his poor parenting. What a douchebag. How often does he have his daughter? Also, is she fat? I wouldnt be surprised with all the junkfood.

Ok, one more thing...this child is just going to get worse with age. You'd better get your husband in check and fast.

stepmom1234's picture

we have her all the time he has full custody of her since she was 3 months old and no shes not fat ive only been in her life for a year and half i told him today either he straightens her out or im moving out

Anywho78's picture

Your SD is indeed a brat but that's because she's been trained that way. Your DH is promoting her treating you with disrespect AND teaching her that throwing fits is A-Okay.

Tell him (out of SD's earshot) that the next time the little heathen throws a fit that he needs to tell her "You have my answer, it's not going to change - go to your room until you're done. No one wants to see or hear your horrible behavior. GO!" Let her sit in there & cry to her hearts content. Turn the TV up so you don't have to hear her.

My SS used to get as loud as he could when he was sent to his room for his "fits"...after letting it be known that the point of him going to his room is so that we DIDN'T have to hear it (FDH threatened to give him something to cry about). It wasn't long before his marathon fits were a thing of the past.

Until your DH steps up & PARENTS this child, she's only going to continue with this behavior.

LittlePanda's picture

Also, refuse to watch the child from now on if this is how he plans to parent her. There is NOTHING wrong with you refusing to babysit someone's awful child. Tell him that you simply cannot feel stressed out by this situation and will not be able to help him by watching her any more. Also, do not try to be an authority figure at all anymore. Try to keep to yourself as much as possible when she is around. Again, most importantly, refuse to watch her until he has sufficiently demonstrated a change in parenting skills. Do not change your position until he has made the change, not a promise to change, but an actual change. You do NOT need to be stuck with that kid.

RedWingsFan's picture

I agree with the above posters. This isn't the kid's fault that her father chooses to raise her this way. HE is the one who needs to be smacked!

Disneyfan's picture

Are you ready to punch dad in the face? He is disrespecting you and giving his daughter the green light to do the same.

I hope you hate him as much as you hate the 6 year old.

stepmom1234's picture

he has had full custody of her since she was 3 months old he lived with his mom so his parents pretty much raised her for 5 yrs hes never home he works a lot he has to but when he is home he just gives her what she wants so she leaves him alone.. then when hes not here shes the devil to me i have NEVER hit her or laid a hand on her but let e tell you she needs a good smack..he even tells me hit her u have every right to i say to him if i hit her i will hurt her .. he talks to her and tells her to be nice to me that im the boss not her and blah blah but it goes in one ear out the other

stepmom1234's picture

his parents take her every friday his mother works also during the day and his dad cnt watch her alone hes has bad health problems